
Still Fresh
Dec 7, 2003
Is there any way to transfer files from PC to my GP32 without installing anything on the PC? :blink:
even still u need the gp32 to install free launcher. I dont think the extractor will extract them or when they are extracted they dont work. I just remember trying to do it when i didnt have the gps codec and just gave up.
hmm you could get fireflys usb mass device driver... it only supports reading until now but its a good start.
Sponge BoB posted on Dec 8 2003 at 06:28 PM said:
even still u need the gp32 to install free launcher. I dont think the extractor will extract them or when they are extracted they dont work. I just remember trying to do it when i didnt have the gps codec and just gave up.
Yeah ive already installed free launcher. What do you meen by extracting and whats the gps codec?
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Sponge BoB posted on Dec 8 2003 at 08:28 PM said:
even still u need the gp32 to install free launcher. I dont think the extractor will extract them or when they are extracted they dont work. I just remember trying to do it when i didnt have the gps codec and just gave up.
You CAN use the extractor to extract the Freelauncher :)
I did it and it worked ;)

Well, now I'm using PacRom and have no need for the Freelauncher ;)

You know ZIP, right? To access to the files, you have to use an extractor (like WinZip) to unzip them.
Basically, .fpk and .zpk files are the same for the GP32.
When you use the Install option in the PC-Link software, these packages get extracted onto your SMC.
If you use a card reader you won't use the PC-Link software - so you have to extract the files using a special extractor software on your PC :)
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