Gp Advance Become Open Source


Certified Guru
Feb 6, 2003
enf65 GP Advance author decide to make it emulator Open Source so that developpers could help him

For those who don't know: GP Advance is a GBA "emulator" for GP32

enf65 said (in french) :
Je me suis enfin décidé à ne pas vendre GP Advance, et surtout de diffuser les sources.
Elles seront dispo au cours de la semaine.

Je dois les commenter un peu et faire un peu de ménage avant de les mettre sur le web.

Je sais pas trop comment marche le CVS, mais je pense que ça pourait être pas mal pour que d'autres programmeurs puissent s'y mettre. Je pense aussi faire des genre de plugins pour pouvoir choisir différents "moteur" graphiques, sonores...

Source: gp32news forum

Coders it's your turn to play B)
I've just read that in english on his website :) Will definitely be having a sniff through... Maybe even offer some optimisation tips if I can find anything to optimise (it seems damn fast already from his status report - 30fps).
I think with it going open source people can help him with the video modes he hasn't been able to do/hasn't has time to do yet (Sprites for example).
Yup, he said the main reason was to get help with video modes he hasn't time to deal with. Squidge, I reckon you should definitely have a look into this (and hopefully help this emu become the best thing since sliced bread ;) )
great news.. but i hope this wont mean that enf65 stops to work on it.. :(
still hope that some great coders will help him. I want Rayman on the gp32 :)
PeDRoRist posted on May 13 2004 at 09:50 AM said:
Yup, he said the main reason was to get help with video modes he hasn't time to deal with. Squidge, I reckon you should definitely have a look into this (and hopefully help this emu become the best thing since sliced bread ;) )
Hay, I'm a big GBA fan, so certainly wouldn't mind helping the GP32 become as good a GBA emulator as possible :)
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Yeah, but if the Emu would get released commercial, the reaction of Nintendo wuold be even worse...:eek: However, i would have paid a LOT of money for a real good running GBA Emu... :rolleyes:
Fishbong posted on May 13 2004 at 02:05 PM said:
However, i would have paid a LOT of money for a real good running GBA Emu... :rolleyes:

I don't see what the fuss is, if you want to play gba then buy one, the original units must be dirt cheap by now
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they are, but the flash linkers are still expensive, and a gp32 emu would do away with the flash linker part.
Great idea. Hopefully, some coders will join our community after the EuroLaunch and help to make this as compatible as the snes and sms emus that were told to be "impossible" to run at decent speed on the GP32 a year ago. :D