Goodbye Number 090001000021 [Image Heavy]


Still Fresh
Sep 7, 2008
Tucson, AZ, USA
Visit site
At first, I was excited;

Unfortunately it was not to be, as I ran into one minor problem of the L-shoulder sticking (that I could deal with on its own) and one very, very big problem. The touch input was extremely intermittent as shown here (sorry for the blurriness, but you can see where the mouse cursor is and hear my stylus tapping... and you can tell it doesn't move except for the part where I use the nub):

Depressing? Yes. But I still played around with it a lot while I was waiting for answers to my "I need help" thread. I tried out Arora and was generally impressed, it's basically firefox w/o the plugins so the entire interface is very familiar. I tried out a bunch of different emulators (even contributed to the PSX4all compatibility thread), the snes one specifically is what made me notice the whole L-shoulder problem ;)

You'll notice my arwing is tilted even though my finger is not touching the shoulder button; it unstuck after I tapped it a couple times, which is hardly ideal but I wasn't really concerned too much as it seemed to loosen up a bit the more I used it.

My PSP USB power/transfer cable also worked great (it actually charged faster than I thought it would, though obviously still slower than AC power), you can see the charging light on and everything :)

Also the two main reasons I'd gotten it worked WAY better than I thought they would this early on, I even got this running fullspeed outside of FMVs @800 mhz (psx is obviously one of the two reasons :P )

The second reason was to use it as a portable media player, once you clock it above standard Mplayer is a champ, it played The IT Crowd no problem, completely synced, and no dropped frames (very smooth looking)

And just one more to prove that I am, in fact #21 :P

However nothing I've tried has fixed what is, essentially, the main input device that I'd like to use. 21 will be on here way back to the UK via USPS international from here in Arizona in but a few hours (well... more like 10). I'll miss it, even without the touchscreen I had a really fun time with it during the week I've had it. I'm really glad I ordered early, I'm very glad that the OP Team are succeeding so well in this endeavor, and I just hope you'll be gentle with 21 when you get her B)

Edit: The images have been resized; only about 40kb or so now.
Given teh amount of blur in those photos, they could easily be a fraction of their current size and still display exactly the same information, just as clearly. Possibly better even.
Well, it's not like anyone's likely to be visiting this forum on some kind of mobile device with limited bandwidth, memory, screen resolution or anything like that... Oh, wait.
*SIGH* You said image heavy, not flash player heavy :blink:

Nonetheless, hope your next unit turns out better.
There's that word again: heavy. Why are things so heavy around here? Is there a problem with Pandora's gravitational pull?
joseluisjazz said:
There's that word again: heavy. Why are things so heavy around here? Is there a problem with Pandora's gravitational pull?
Only when exceeding 888Mhz :P
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Jourdy288 said:
*SIGH* You said image heavy, not flash player heavy :blink:
Meet flashblock my friend, the second most useful add-on behind adblock in my opinion. Chrome has it also if that is what you use.
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lobski said:
Please. Learn. To. Resize. Even more!

An honest mistake, I was tired and forgot; they should be properly resized now.

Jourdy288 said:
*SIGH* You said image heavy, not flash player heavy :blink:

Nonetheless, hope your next unit turns out better.

Two Youtube videos which are STUPIDLY short if you watch them; I didn't consider them "heavy" ;) Thanks for the moral support at the end though; I'm sure they'll fix it up just fine.

Well, it's not like anyone's likely to be visiting this forum on some kind of mobile device with limited bandwidth, memory, screen resolution or anything like that... Oh, wait.

Though I believe you're underestimating the pandora, I did resize the images because I forgot to. I've been to some media covered sites (deviantart, et al) on the pandora and it doesn't have a problem provided you use Arora... Midori crashes if you so much as think of sneezing. See! It probably just crashed if you were using it.

Snow-Okami said:
Is that Ice Crown from WoW: WoTLK in the background I see in the first pic :P

Even with a 5k GS I've yet to go to ICC due to lack of a guild on Nerzhul; it's chrome opened to my linksys wireless key page and the background under that is the image here. It's supposed to be some sort of cyclone thing going on in a nebula, I think it's pretty cool looking.

edit: my mistake, I was looking at the second one; in the first one that's me farming titanium for jewel crafting in Icecrown.

Yod4z said:
good choice it crowd :D

Thanks? :P I really like it, glad it's coming back for another season.
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So I'll send it back tomorrow especially the SNES emulator is unworkable without volume wheel, its to loud in the train even with small earpluggs attached people are annoyed.