Uploaded jzintv


Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008

You'll need grom.bin and exec.bin which can be gotten from any Intellivision Lives CD (I think any one will work. Maybe some don't have it? Probably not the Gamecube one on account I don't think a regular PC can read the files off of it, but I digress)

The D-pad acts as the disc (I'll update it to use the nub as well just as soon as I figure out how to do that), the numbers are the numbers, the L shoulder is the first L trigger, the R shoulder is the first R trigger, and Alt is the second R trigger... or the second L trigger: even though both sides had two buttons, one of them was actually wired to the first button (so of the 4 buttons, only three were unique) but I forget which. Your overlay should make it obvious.

Let me know if there are any problems :)
thank you very much, I'm really looking forward to giving this a try when I get my Pandora. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but would it be possible to give it user-configurable controls at some point? aside from that (and analog support) the only thing I could think it could use is a pause function that brings up an image of the controller overlay(s) for the game in play..oh, well thanks again for bringing this to Pandora!

p.s. the picture on http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/viewapp.pl?/Emulator/jzintv.inf shows a stretched image..is it like that during game play or does it have black bars on the sides so that it can keep proper aspect ratio?
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Yes, user configurable at some point in time. It's not exceptionally difficult, I was just lazy.

I was planning on displaying the overlays somewhere but couldn't think of a good way of doing it. There are actually black bars on either side, but they might be too thin. Pause might work.

I have no idea why the image is stretched there. It was proper ratio on my computer, and the actual emulator displays black bars on either side. It's probably a hard coded width in the HTML; just checked a few other games and they're shots are all stretched too.
Ok! :P well, if I can help in some way other than programing(because sadly, I don't know shit about programing...
) and as I am quite likely near the end of the 1st batch(I put my order in at something like mid-to-late January 2009...) I won't be able to help test it out any time soon..BUT! if there is any other way I can help you out with this project, just PM me and let me know. :)
I know what you can do to help!

I've updated the PND file with a better mapping plus the ability to add custom key maps. I've uploaded a few examples here for BurgerTime, NightStalker, and TRON Deadly Discs.

Basically you can help by thinking of your favourite games and coming up with a good button mapping scheme that takes better advantage of the game buttons :)
Sweet, thanks this is really good news for me.

The intellivision has:

a 16 way joypad

2 top action buttons that are actually the same button

2 bottom action buttons that are different buttons but nearly all the games use them as the same action.

control pad 0-9, clear, enter.

In terms of button layouts for particular games

Personally, I think for all the games I would want to play, this is the layout I would use:

The right shoulder buttons and the A & T buttons mapped to the top action button and the left shoulder button mapped to the right bottom action button and the X mapped to left bottom and B mapped to right bottom

Then, one of these

t,y,u: 1,2,3

g,h,j: 4,5,6

b,n,m: 7,8,9

k,l,enter: clear, 0, enter

y,u,i: 1,2,3

h,j,k: 4,5,6

b,n,m: 7,8,9

o,l,p: clear, 0, enter

depending on which config of the numbers feels more comfortable as a number pad. (I'd have to hold a pandora to find out.. hehe)

I think the number pad is usually used for config options, like changing the amount of energy dedicated to your shield, or switching what items you are holding

so they can be more out of the way, whereas the action buttons are usually your fire buttons.

Except in a few games like Tron Deadly discs, which use 1-9 to fire in up to 8 directions, but the above config is still the best I could think of.

Night stalker doesn't use the action buttons and only fires in 4 directions, so having:





Would be better for it I think.

Space hawk might benefit from a custom config too, but I'd really have to try a few out to see what works best for that one.
Except in a few games like Tron Deadly discs, which use 1-9 to fire in up to 8 directions, but the above config is still the best I could think of.
What about mapping the second nub to the keypad in such a way that pushing in a direction fires your disc in that direction, including diagonally? ;)

Night stalker doesn't use the action buttons and only fires in 4 directions, so having:





Would be better for it I think.
Yup, already done so. You named two of the three games I tested customized key configs on :)
^ Not sure if that would work well or not.

Basically, in Tron, you push the button once to throw your disc, and again to call it back, so it might be tricky to get joystick type behavior to work well with it. Without having worked on or even used the analogs, it's hard for me to say if you could reliably get a "I pressed nw once" type behavior out of them.

If you could hold it upside down, the dpad would work awesome for the number keys.. :)
I've tried it. It works. :P

To a point. There seems to be a bug in the joystick code I need to track down.
Crade had a good idea. Something else that might work(for right handed people) could be something like:

left analog=directional disk




1 through 9 were often used for direction-based attacks, functions, or whatever.. a good general setup should try to keep them in something close to a grid pattern. As for [clear], [0], [enter], and [top side action button(s)], & [bottom left] & [bottom right] side action buttons]..they usually seemed to be whatever else was necessary..some games put them to good use...others..didn't use some of them at all..at any rate if it is set up the way I suggested you'd still have P, L, Enter, Space, and Fn, to the right of the 1 through 9 block & left shoulder, & right shoulder to set as needed most for each game without the fictional requirement of growing additional thumbs.. :blink:

p.s. I've never used any version of jzintv so if you are wanting suggestions for system menu function keys, I couldn't help you there.
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to WizardStan for this. This was my first gaming system when I was a lad, and it brought back great memories to be able to play it again on my Pandora. I still have all of my original carts, 3 (count 'em, 3) Intellivisions in various working orders and the controller overlays, the voice module, etc. I wouldn't get rid of them for the world!

It's a shame that the controllers for the Intellivision were so odd, it certainly makes playing the games on any emulator difficult. Thank you for the well-documented PND. I couldn't figure out the controls until I had a look at that.

The only game I've tried that didn't work was Atlantis. I'll have to see if I can't find another dump, maybe this one is bad.

Thank you again!
Are you tired after digging so deep?

Hey now, he just wanted to thank someone. Would you have really prefered he made a new thread to thank someone for a thread that already existed? :P

I may have to give this emulator a try. I had to be what, 5 when I used an Intellivision? :P
Never too young for the Intelligent Television! :D

Still need more keyboard mapping files.
Keep the emulators coming! Intellivision is a great system. I hope the talking games work OK
I don't know of a way to get the voice module working. I have the ROM for it, but that's as far as I've gotten.

B-17 Bomber or Bomb Squad just aren't the same without the voices.

@WS - If I make any key mappings for any of my favorite games, I'll update everyone.