Heheh - as everyone else's said, then, enjoy yourself. It'll be a gread deal of fun; all travelling is, methinks .
Anyways, since I haven't had a chance to try GPMame yet, I've not actually seen your work in action, but many thanks for helping out on it; all I hear about the project is, of course, exceedingly cool - I'm looking forward to getting back home in about 4 days to try everything I've missed over the last few months lol.
Have fun with your trip! I'm currently on my round-the-world with my GP32 and its definitely worth it. (I won't be back in UK for a year).
For the GP32: I have a lot of RPGs with me, esp. SCUMM games like Fate of Atlantis. Also Atari ST and DR.MD - I'm getting a lot of play out of Championship Manager '94. I recommend getting a ton of Beats of Rage and Doom mods and playing those. (With Doom you can extend battery life).
The only other thing I would suggest is to pack into an MP3 player that is mass storage compliant a bunch of episodes of your favourite TV shows. For example I was on the tarmac recently for 2 hours waiting to take off to go to Vegas and went through a bunch of South Park eps.