Good Sdio Related News

I wouldn't worry too much. The MagicEyes SoC supports SDIO, Linux can operate with SDIO with the proper drivers (As most anything can), and if the leads to the SD card slot from the controller pins are there, there's no reason SDIO can't be utilized. It'll happen, give it time. :)

(though, I will reiterate that browsing the web doesn't seem terribly useful on a GP2x, or anything without a good keyboard interface or pointer [no, a D-Pad is not a good pointer replacement] .. and I can't see many developers going out of their way to add complex networking support to games that are very unlikely to ever be played by 2 people in the same room, it'll be rare enough for 2 GP2x'es to ever be in the same room with each other.) ;)
Epicenter posted on Mar 3 2006 at 10:05 PM said:
I wouldn't worry too much. The MagicEyes SoC supports SDIO, Linux can operate with SDIO with the proper drivers (As most anything can), and if the leads to the SD card slot from the controller pins are there, there's no reason SDIO can't be utilized. It'll happen, give it time. :)

(though, I will reiterate that browsing the web doesn't seem terribly useful on a GP2x, or anything without a good keyboard interface or pointer [no, a D-Pad is not a good pointer replacement] .. and I can't see many developers going out of their way to add complex networking support to games that are very unlikely to ever be played by 2 people in the same room, it'll be rare enough for 2 GP2x'es to ever be in the same room with each other.) ;)

why do they have to be in the same room?
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an indian company called embwise have made sdio stack that includes drivers for the zaurus

If someone from gamepark were to contact them well have a sdio stack with drivers in no time although gampark will unlikely to do this unless they were to sell it on as a internet pack that includes a browser

something to think about at least we have the means techincal wise we just need the funding or if we were to contact a company and ask how much they would do it for us we could raise the money as a community
I may be wrong, but doesn't gp2x only have one sd port? So you would have to choose over wifi and storage.
There are cards that have storage and WLAN. This one doesn't mention anything about it though. I think the highest storage you can find is 256MB.
would a breakout box be able to have an SD slot in it for which an sdio card wuold go into, leaving you to have storage SD in the normal slot?
Paradox posted on Mar 4 2006 at 11:28 AM said:
would a breakout box be able to have an SD slot in it for which an sdio card wuold go into, leaving you to have storage SD in the normal slot?
The SoC doesn't support dual SD and it isn't exposed on the EXT-Port anyway, so no.
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And if you were to utilize a break out box, you could just aswell use the USB interface to get WLAN up and running (that is if somebody includes it in the kernel...)
Epicenter posted on Mar 4 2006 at 04:05 AM said:
(though, I will reiterate that browsing the web doesn't seem terribly useful on a GP2x, or anything without a good keyboard interface or pointer [no, a D-Pad is not a good pointer replacement] .. and I can't see many developers going out of their way to add complex networking support to games that are very unlikely to ever be played by 2 people in the same room, it'll be rare enough for 2 GP2x'es to ever be in the same room with each other.) ;)

Dude... once we're connected to the internet, anything goes!

Online gp2x multiplayer? You got it. Automatic downloads and updates? You got it. Online highscore list? You get the picture...
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so who's going to start with multiplayer pong?

with internet capability, would it be possible to play for example, SNES games over the internet? using the other gp2x as the second "controller" if you will?

thats if the emulator supported such a feature.
not to mention the simple fact, that just looking through your email titles without turning on PC is kind of usefull. I run wireless network in my house and i would like to have an oportunity to check my email without powering up another device. Buying PDA beside of gp2x isn't also a good idea for me, not to mention the cost of it (i'm not some rich guy , you know :) ). Ok mayby i'm lazy, but as for now it's the only thing that keeps me from buying gp2x but this breakout box through ext is looking promissing. Who knows...mayby it'll get me to buy gp2x. (wow it would be first gp2x in Poland yay!)

I forgot. I have a Kingston's 1GB MMC Plus card. Anyone knows will it work with gp2x? I'm almost sure that SD is pretty compatibile with MMC (it worked with my two digital cameras) but i just want to make sure.
I think I heard that people have got MMCs to work with their gp2x but I guess you just have to try it and find out.
sand_man posted on Mar 8 2006 at 06:46 PM said:
I think I heard that people have got MMCs to work with their gp2x but I guess you just have to try it and find out.
Yup. My N-Gage MMC works with my 2x. Just not for firmware upgrades.
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