good racing sims?


Still Fresh
Dec 3, 2003
Hi everyone,

What's up to you, the best racing sim on GP32?
I'm playing on stunt car racer (st version) anything else?
I also looking for formula one grand prix (st also), does it works with castaway?
RC pro am -NES is the only racing game I have on my GP32, but its alot of fun.
blipped4 posted on Dec 17 2003 at 07:53 PM said:
I didnt know racing games can run fast are they slow at all?
huh?? :huh:
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was Lotus Turbo Challenge ever released for the Atari ST?? It was out for the Amiga I know that.... hhmmm
Lotus Turbo Challenge 1, 2 and 3 Was Released on the ST !!!! If you like racing games you will love it :D...
taras posted on Dec 17 2003 at 09:46 PM said:
! ! ! ! !....!!


Oh my god. I'm going to have to work out how to use Castaway now.
Castaway is easy to use after you have successfully put one game on...

Gonna go see how it runs on Castaway now.. BRB
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