Pinball Fantasies


Sep 3, 2007
Cardiff, UK
Hi everyone! Haven't been on here much as I've been enjoying my F-200 too much! I am hoping to get one of these Pandora thingy's around christmas time, hopefully by then everything I have now on my GP2X will be available to use on the new machine. Just wondered as I really bought the Gp2X as a portable Amiga, it never delivered at all really (on the Amiga front). Will the Pandora be able to handle Pinball Fantasies, Dreams etc....with all those colours? On the GP2X alot of the graphics are just blacked out. Also, will 3D games like Formula One Grand Prix and Jimmy Whites Whirlwind snooker be expected to work perfectly?

It's my first time on the Pandora forum so y'all be kind to me ya hear!

Lo Turco
Should do once an Amiga emulator pops up, but also Pinball Dreams/Fantasies were ported to SNES, which will definitely be playable.
NickLoTurco said:
Hi everyone! Haven't been on here much as I've been enjoying my F-200 too much! I am hoping to get one of these Pandora thingy's around christmas time, hopefully by then everything I have now on my GP2X will be available to use on the new machine. Just wondered as I really bought the Gp2X as a portable Amiga, it never delivered at all really (on the Amiga front). Will the Pandora be able to handle Pinball Fantasies, Dreams etc....with all those colours? On the GP2X alot of the graphics are just blacked out. Also, will 3D games like Formula One Grand Prix and Jimmy Whites Whirlwind snooker be expected to work perfectly?

It's my first time on the Pandora forum so y'all be kind to me ya hear!

Lo Turco
In my gp2x Pinball Fantasies on uae4all seems perfect. Are you using the latest version?
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GunPei2X said:
Should do once an Amiga emulator pops up, but also Pinball Dreams/Fantasies were ported to SNES, which will definitely be playable.

Ugh, the SNES conversions were AWFUL. I really don't know how they managed it, the SNES was more than capable, even with restricted cart space <_<
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Miggy emulation should be entirely possible, even to the AGA 020 + level with some dedicated and expert coding - and I reckon there's a reasonable chance Gnostic will apply his talents to the Pandora :-)

Pinball Challenge Deluxe on the GBA is a brilliant rendition of the Miggy Pinball titles - I'd reckon there's a very good chance we will see fully featured GBA emulation pretty early on in the Pandora's life cycle.
Hmm, Yes it is on the list of things to do, I'll work on being able to play Pinball Fantasies while listening to Pinball Wizard. :pandora1:
trooper said:
CandidStan said:
Hmm, Yes it is on the list of things to do, I'll work on being able to play Pinball Fantasies while listening to Pinball Wizard. :pandora1:
Who ?.


::scratches his head::

So you stating who wrote it or asking? Could go either way. :D
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SOLGarion said:
trooper said:
CandidStan said:
Hmm, Yes it is on the list of things to do, I'll work on being able to play Pinball Fantasies while listening to Pinball Wizard. :pandora1:
Who ?.


::scratches his head::

So you stating who wrote it or asking? Could go either way. :D

Yeah... After all he could be talking about the Elton John version.
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trooper said:
CandidStan said:
Hmm, Yes it is on the list of things to do, I'll work on being able to play Pinball Fantasies while listening to Pinball Wizard. :pandora1:
Who ?.


Ah, at least someone got that.
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centrlink said:
Pinball Challenge Deluxe on the GBA is a brilliant rendition of the Miggy Pinball titles - I'd reckon there's a very good chance we will see fully featured GBA emulation pretty early on in the Pandora's life cycle.
One of the few titles made better through emulation (or a flash cart). The original carts had a manufacturing flaw and didn't save high scores :(
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cools said:
One of the few titles made better through emulation (or a flash cart). The original carts had a manufacturing flaw and didn't save high scores :(
Isn't that something that generally tends to happen with fake carts? :huh:
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Yep, but in this case all of the originals were faulty. Review copies, shelf copies - the lot.

It wasn't a massive seller, I very much doubt any fakes were made.