Good News For Palm Os Users

usually comments like that would get me a little heated, but I come to expect unintellegent comments from Finty when I was just making a joke, thats why i had the :P
Yoyo has been a busy guy coding LJZ for the palm os, the beta is now available, you can download it here
That's nice even though playing emulators on the Palm never feels right to me because of the crappy controls.
Falken80, how about you send a mass amount of emails to yoyo, maybe he'll code again for the GP32. :P
You can put a smiley at the end but that still doesn't make it a joke or funny, it just looks like moving an argument to a different post so I agree with finty on this one.
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usually comments like that would get me a little heated, but I come to expect unintellegent comments from Finty when I was just making a joke, thats why i had the :P
You have only been here for 2 weeks, and I'm pretty sure I have never replied to you in the past, so lets not all jump on the cliched bandwagon, I'm sure you don't even know me, or any of my charecteristics.
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i never said you replied to me personally, but i've been reading posts on this site quite a while before i decided to actually sign up and join in on the posting fun. So yes, i have read many posts with your comments in them.

EDIT: after thinking about it, i guess i am in the wrong about my joke, it is hard to joke on message board because the comments can be read so many different ways.
I find it funny that all the n00bs point to me and say my posts are worthless, when 90% of the time they are in decent conversations, and there are far better examples of idiotic posting (pointing no elbows).