Good News About Pituka: Future Chatboard Support!

Chatboard support, cool.

He could get the Auto Load function from Arnold but he might not be able to integrate it with Caprice.

I recall him saying that he might create a pop up menu that would have commands that would be typed out for you like CAT and run" - the select button is free after all - or he could replace the snapshot facility on L.

Im aware hes working on another project, but I hope Zip and subdirectory support gets done as Id like to squeeze more games on my SMC :)
is he adding tape file support, anyone know? what are his other projects? (curious)
Chatboard delayed till Christmas judging by what he says on his website:

I read a WonderBoy's post from our forums and for answer his question
I think to answer making this new He ask me for my New proyect and some Pituka" Wips:

The bad new: PituKa Chatbard support, that i will be finished for codding some weeks ago... i try to finish in this month, i hope in christmas day ¿?

Cu, pp :-)
he didn't say anthing about auto running
i hope he does this
it is like impossible to run anything on the emu as of right now