Golden Sun Clear Data Password


man of poor reputation
Apr 23, 2004
Hildesheim, Germany.
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I´ve completed Golden Sun more than a year ago, and recently bought a Golden Sun 2 cartridge (without box and manual) on Ebay.
I was enjoyed to see that it allows you to import character data from part one and managed to dig out my old Golden Sun cartridge, but i can´t use the link option, as i play it on a DS, don´t have a GBA, and don´t know anyone that owns one.

So, i´m forced to use the password method. But how can i get golden sun to display the password? I can´t find an option anywhere... :(
This Wiki page seems to have the data you need. See the link feature section. BTW the full password option is five pages of text LOL

EDIT: BTW I'm playing Golden Sun now. Bloody excellent game for a handheld RPG.

I'm still looking for the second one on ebay but so far they are going for too much money. I only paid about 5 quid for GS1 inc Shipping.
If I could find my old cartridge you could have it for free!!! I'll look, but I think it's back in blighty...

I loved these games. I finished the second one yonks ago (imprted it early). I was on a flight, and was so desperate to see the end I kept playing after the seatbelt signs came on. I finished it just as we were allowed to leave. The other passengers were furious with me, but I considered the safety of my fellow humans secondary to my enjoyment of this great game!
lubidog posted on Apr 13 2006 at 08:15 PM said:
If I could find my old cartridge you could have it for free!!! I'll look, but I think it's back in blighty...

I loved these games. I finished the second one yonks ago (imprted it early). I was on a flight, and was so desperate to see the end I kept playing after the seatbelt signs came on. I finished it just as we were allowed to leave. The other passengers were furious with me, but I considered the safety of my fellow humans secondary to my enjoyment of this great game!

LOL I just had to slap that in my Sig.

I'll play it on my supercard if necessary but I will still buy it. Actually it's mad, I've spent more on carts since buying a supercard than before. I'm kind of using it to test games and then buying them if I like them lol.

Tekken arrived in the post today. That is awesome for a GBA title.
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BaDToaD posted on Apr 13 2006 at 09:15 PM said:
lubidog posted on Apr 13 2006 at 08:15 PM said:
If I could find my old cartridge you could have it for free!!! I'll look, but I think it's back in blighty...

I loved these games. I finished the second one yonks ago (imprted it early). I was on a flight, and was so desperate to see the end I kept playing after the seatbelt signs came on. I finished it just as we were allowed to leave. The other passengers were furious with me, but I considered the safety of my fellow humans secondary to my enjoyment of this great game!

LOL I just had to slap that in my Sig.

I'll play it on my supercard if necessary but I will still buy it. Actually it's mad, I've spent more on carts since buying a supercard than before. I'm kind of using it to test games and then buying them if I like them lol.

Tekken arrived in the post today. That is awesome for a GBA title.

It's actually a sales-increasing method exployed by nintendo. The supercart flashes subliminal messages at you every once in a while, commanding you to buy the game.
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Well? Did you do the full password or a cut down one?

I'm lucky I've got an SP and old style gba so I can link my characters when the time comes.
Well, i ended up inserting the whole 5 GBA screens of text , which took me about half an hour.
I read up on it and found that my heroes had more Djinn and better equipment than the standard ones.

Golden Sun II plays great...
I'm halfway through Final Fantasy iii, on the snes emu (PSP, sorry...). I just love this game!

Dunno why I'm posting this here, just wanna tell the world!!!
I've wiped three times in a row against the damn Kraken on the boat in Golden Sun despite summoning everything bar the kitchen sink and using water of life and revive spells galore. I've loaded an old game luckily saved at the docks before getting on the boat. :) I'm gonna level a bit then try again.

I'm wondering if I've got on the boat before doing something else as I haven't wiped on a single boss before this one or even had to use water of life.
It´s most important to find all Djinn, leveling up is secondary since Djinns improve your stats much more than levelups.

This kraken is the first tough boss of the game, i also got defeated once or twice by him.
Yeah must be. I just read an FAQ that said use Mias 4 Djinns to summon something or other. At that point I stopped reading. I only have 2 Djinns per character so there must be a few I missed. I'm gonna whizz round and find some.
Found a couple but been a bit busy to play for more than about a hour or two.

I love this game.

I got a uk boxed GS 2 for £8.06 off ebay including shipping. yay!
I love my DS flash card! Just started playing this again on it and it's as good as I remembered. This is just a game that never feels a chore to play. It just flows!

And I don't feel guilty about loading it off the card, as I have already paid for it!
If you're looking for GBA RPGs, I'd suggest Lunar Legend, Tales of Phantasia (mostly same as SNES version), and Summon Night: Swordcraft Story. Highly recommend all of them.

GBA is an excellent RPG platform. I really need to invest in the second Golden Sun...
Tales of Phantasia on the GBA is excellent. The combat is so well done.

I would still put the two Golden SUns up there with the best RPGs I have ever played!

But Final Fantasy iii comes soon for the ds. I have already played the Japanese version a bit, and it looks absolutely beautiful! Must finish GS before November (not easy, they are huge!)