Goddess Saga Website..


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
And if you don't know about this game by now. You should be ashamed to call yourself a GP32 gamer.

So anyway. I was browsing around the web when I found a link for the Goddess Saga website...

Its not quite a top ten rated game site... but looking at how far accomplished this game has come since we last saw the screenies, its pretty cool.

I know you all have seen it before, I just wanted to keep it fresh in your minds.

Plus...in the Bloody Cross site, they have 2 more illustrations of 2 new characters for the game. I personally can't wait for either of these 2 games.
Oh yeah I remember seeing this when I started investigating the GP32. The character designs are awesome. I like the battle screens, it kinda of a couple of Korean PC games like Ragnarok Online or another game tha slips my mind at the moment but was done by the same artist as Magnacarta.
anyone know why these game developers dont translate their sites into english or even make their games in english since that is who the majority of their target audience are??
bringoutthegimp posted on Feb 21 2004 at 11:18 AM said:
anyone know why these game developers dont translate their sites into english or even make their games in english since that is who the majority of their target audience are??
they do it because they are Gits hehe.... So the only way around it is for some clever person to make a Patch to translate it to english or Learn Korean :D hehe.........
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I am really thinking that if the developers are korean, developing a game for a korean system, with limited time and limited funds to make it happen. The translation to another langauge (like English) may be very tough.

Plus...if they don't understand a word or English themselves...thats pretty tough also.
Personally I give these developers, (especially amateur or small time coders) all the credit in the world when it comes to game design, and creation, no matter what language you speak.
If they were intentionally developing for more than one territory they might do that but there hasnt been an official release in english speaking territories, so it's unlikely any company wold spend the money on a translation when the only oficial audiance is korean.