God Damn Mice


chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai
Nov 24, 2003
Wrentham, MA
well I was just about to go to sleep then I heard this gnawing coming from under my bed

so I thought maybe it was my clock but no.. that was to far away

then I though fuck maybe a mouse came in for the winter...

but it was right after I got done watching Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back or w/e when I was going to go to bed and it was annoying

so I decided to shake my box of gobstopers that helped but it came back then I put on the Cowboy Bebop Movie OST first track guns and ppl screaming w/ elevator music in the background then I went and got my airsoft gun (AEG SR-16 350 fps) and started shooting it under my bed...

well I came up to post this because it hasn't gone away so I was sitting on my bed with Old Rusty (my corwbar) and looking under my bed to see if I could see anything but I can't maybe its just something on teh other side of the wall. My bed room is in the basement so I could see that but Im in New England and thiers 3 ft of snow....
i got two rats, they be the bombdiggidy!

also, my cat is always bringing me mouse related presents, sometimes still very much alive, just the other week i was chasing a little mouse round my room, such fun!
right after I got done watching Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back

then I put on the Cowboy Bebop Movie OST

I like you.

We have mice visit every winter, but I guess that's to be expected when you live in an old church. They've been pooping in my dog's food bowls recently, which really pisses me off. But the rat catcher is coming tomorrow to spread his ever-ineffective poison. <_<
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shooting at poor little mices with sofair guns isnt nice, i DONT like you!

maybe you should give him a Temp. Ban for Cruelty to Animals or untill he kisses teh mouse better :) hehe

But yea, Shooting animals with Softair guns is more cruel than shooting them with an Air Rifle you sicko :P
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I didn't put anything in it I figured it would scare it away....

it didn't work...

I love animals I would never shoot them w/ an airsoft gun thats just mean

and I was using my crowbar to look because I didn't wan't it to bite me

EDIT:well my brother told me he heard it in the ceiling so that must mean it's in the walls tryign to get in.

so now my brother is playign the Red Cord ... really loud...