GOD DAMN GBAX!!!!!!!!!!!&#


May 12, 2003
ordered my gp32 friday morning and got it Saturday Morning! 24hrs, thats pretty bloody quick......

Now why am i moaning ?

I ordered a couple of SMC`s and a Reader from ebuyer cos they were half the price of GBAX`s.........its now Tuesday and i still aint got them!!!!

So at the mo my gp32`s just a kinda cool looking paperweight............grrrrr

And whats worse just got an email from ebuyer and because they havent got any card readers in stock none of my orders been processed and i`ve had to start again with an estimated delivery day of next bloody monday!!!!!!!

Been waiting enough as it bloody is!!!!
at least your not in my shoes, I shipped my product back to play-asia 13 days ago and they still have not refunded my money
so why ye blasting GBAX :blink:

i got my SMC from Ebuyer, they had them in stock and i paid for the 1-3 day delivery, but next thing i know i had a estimate delivery date of 10 days later, wasnt happy. Tis the second time ive used them and althought there cheap, there deliver just plain sux, the first time took 5 days.
I think its on the basis that they were too good lol - took me a while to work out though. After all, if they'd been a bit longer, there's less of the "so close yet so far" feeling. Both would have arrived simultaneously... Or nearer so :)
ah ok :P

ye shoulda done what i did, rather than wait for an SMC to get delivered too, pop to yer nearest computer shop (not Dixons or PCworld, one of them corner shops that sells computer parts dead cheap) and get one.... cause i knew GBAX would be quick, but ye can never trust any of these others, there all gits ;)

What card reader ye buying timeslip?
;) they used to be super good i tended to get all my delivers a day early :/ but now it seems out of my 6 orders from them over 3 years i have found suddenly delivery just isn't as good. Is this due too popularity@?
Ebuyer are the best god damn computer supplier on the net.

If your in the UK (not sure about the US) you can select a delivery day (costs more for next day, saturday etc.) and also you must make sure it says they are in stock (which im pretty sure the SMCs will be.

I've not been let down by them yet and I ordered my whole computer in bits from there over the space of about 2 months. Also I have bought plenty more stuff from them (including SMC's) and have never had anything arrive late or wrong.
Hmmm - wish I could say the same.

I've had bot hwrong parts sent and late (extremely late!) Like it saying they;d been despatched when the stock wasn;t even in the warehouse to fulfill the order. Only found out by ringing up and talking to someone in the call centre who knew NOTHING about PCS.


Ah well - my SMC from them came though fine last week :)
I bought my gp32 from lik-sang and after waiting over a sunday and the flight9 that it was supposed to be on getting cancled it still got here in under a week. I could have found an smc online for dirt cheap but once I finaly got the thing I wanted to play it right away and ended up spending about twice what I should have for a 128mb smc. Hell I got to play with it the same day it arived so it was worth the extra cost to be able to play with my new toy. Speaking of new toy I just bought a new truck today so why am I even here. VROOOMM!!!!1
I ordered some SMC's and other stuff at ebuyer in the US..and the delivery is right on...I don't know about the UK.
Ebuyer is OK..

SMC comes within 2-3 days BUT I KNOW LOTS OF PEOPLE who have ordered the SMC card reader with it being delivered very late..!

Hope you get it soon.

stop complaining and have patients, your damn smc will come, and even after that you will be frustrated as hell on how to work it.