Go Game On Other Consoles? Advice Please


Still Fresh
Nov 1, 2003
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I have a serious question concerning the ancient game of "go" [see anime/manga Hikaru no Go for why i'm so interested. go looks plenty more fun than chess hehe]

I wanna play HA!!! ok practice my go on the move [against a computerised opponent type thingy :huh: ]

As the lkgo seems to have been dropped for the gp32 and the gba emu still has some ways to go [no pun intended], is or was there ever a go game on any other games platform.

Preferably something that has an emulator out there for the gp32. maybe it appeared on gbc or snes, but i can't seem to find the name of it.
And I need the actual title of the game, otherwise I won't be able to 'google' it.

No !! I'm NOT asking for roms, I'm obeying the rules and asking for a starting place to search for it myself.

@@ You will obey the rules kirano @@
goes all wizzy and falls to the floor screaming NOOOO!

Can anyone help me out?

Come on! put your thinginkg caps on and start to go "hmmmm...."

thanks in advance to you helpful folk!
I'd put in a cheesy grin but the emoticons don't seem to cut it
but that one's close enough!

i believe there was one on the nes, i think it was mentions on a documentry that i watched about ninty a while ago, couldn't tell you what it was called though
There seem to be (at least) two version on the Commodore 64 - both called Go.

If GBC Gamebase can be believed! (and usually it can be). (erm - Note to self GBC - GameBase Commodore - NOT GAMEBOY COLOUR!!!)

Thank you guys!!

the help was much appreciated as i went and found a c64 go game and used my c64 emu. @google.google.google@

must now tell the author that the go game works on his frodo emu [must keep those compatability lists updated!]


There is a game called Igo club for snes, it's great!

Finally someone else who plays go, what level are you at? (i'm a 20 kyu noob ;p)
since hikago, go has started to become big again i hear.
in japan, they were getting thrashed by koreans and chinese at the tournaments but hikago seems to have brought new blood. so it's not just me that has had their interest piqued by this one.

as for my level?!
u gotta b joking right?!
i only just recently strated going through my old go links, the kgs tutorials and the like
so i'm a lowly 25k. i think that's the lowest u can get be. sorta entry level
although you can check out my only 2 kgs records if you like. they were in sept 2002 and ive been inactive since. but i've signed up again. ypmuts is my kgs nick as well.

but like my neverwinter nights char, i'm gonna level up!

even starting my own blog to help me keep track of my progress. maybe as the years go by, i'll read my archives and wonder why the heck i'm only progressing 1 level every 2 years or something stupid like that!!! :lol:

and thanks for the igo snes tip,. will google that too. the more choice the have the more i'll be encouraged to play when i'm not at my beloved system

ttfn and toodlepip!
you're da man!

igoclub is indeed a great way to play go, you wouldn't happen to know how to resign would you? i hit a button and from then on it started going backwards through the game??!! a game review maybe? or a way for you to write down the kifu...hmmm; need the keys n stuff
i'm gonna google some manuals but i thought i'd ask here as well. cover my bases so to speak. hehe

cheers mate!


note to self..maybe link my go blog to my profile....
nah! i'm the only one thats gonna read it anyway! :D i'm too boring to read! ;)
but i was thinking about gpcinema-compatible-hikago and maybe suprnova & it's ilk
we'll see