

Still Fresh
Jan 20, 2006
Ok, well, i have heard from many that it should be possible to use savestates with the gnuboy emulator avi for the GP2X.

Does anyone have an idea how do to this?

Heard people saying you have to change something in a file and such things, aswell as people say there should be a command for it.

I have checked the readme and so on and I can't find anything that can help..

So it is it possible?

(Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - savestates ftw)
I do not think saves are implemented in any for on GnuBoyu yet. Where did you hear they were?
Does it save ANY thing, let alone states? I've got a (Perfectly legal) backup of Pokemon Yello and of Super Mario Land 3, neither's save features actually work. Given that, and the, apparent, lack of state saving, does anyone know if there will be this functionality soon?
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Nobody knows other than the author. I think that saves are not really a priority when an emulator is in its early stages, but now that it is clearly a very playable piece of software, I am sure that implementing some kind of save system is high on the authors 'to do' list.
Nobody knows other than the author. I think that saves are not really a priority when an emulator is in its early stages, but now that it is clearly a very playable piece of software, I am sure that implementing some kind of save system is high on the authors 'to do' list.

Save states are not yet supported but unofficial save states can be enabled by placing the following inside of your Gnuboy.rc file.

Many users do not want to use this method because all save states are written to the Nand memory.

bind joy4 savestate
bind joy5 loadstate

If I remember correctly, it will bind button 'Y' to save the state and button 'A' to load it. Check the readme for button mapping because I do not use Gnuboy anymore.
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