Gnuboy Control Scheme


Still Fresh
Nov 9, 2005
Atlanta GA, USA
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I have talked in another thread about changing the control scheme of the buttons of new version of GnuBoy, and although many people have explained to me that I can change the buttons in the resource file, which I really appreciate your help thus far, I still can’t figure out how these buttons can be reconfigured to make sense.

My resource file looks like this:

bind joy0 +up
bind joy2 +left
bind joy4 +down
bind joy6 +right
bind joy13 +a
bind joy15 +b
bind joy9 +select
bind joy8 +start
bind joy10 quit
bind joy11 reset
bind joy14 savestate
bind joy12 loadstate

And although it clearly has different buttons assigned to each button on the gp2x, for some reason I have 2 select buttons and as for the other buttons I don’t know if they work or not because I cant get past the title screen on most games, because it requires you to press start and I apparently don’t have that assigned to any key :blink: Now there is a table on the readme included in the emulator with a chart that looks like this:

Select Select 2
Start Start 3
X A 1
B B 0
Y --- 4
A --- 5
Stick --- 6

Now if this is the new button configuration as I was explained it was, then I tried to go ahead and input the new number that was I guess is listed in the Gnuboy side everywhere it says "joy" in the rc file so I would get the proper configuration I would assume, but when I look down the list the stick Simply says 6, is this the button you press down ON the stick? is it the directions? If so I can’t make all of the directions say "joy6" that to me seems weird, so overall I can’t understand HOW you would use these charts.

If someone could explain to me the real way to use it that would be nifty, or better yet if someone could supply one of there properly working .rc files that would save me a lot of headache and I would most appreciate it!
