Gnu Boy


Still Fresh
Dec 6, 2005
Does GNU Boy run anything else aside from a .gb .gbc rom named "game"?
If so, does the emulator have a file selection screen?
I think you're right.... I'm looking into editing the script someone made for the last gameboy emulator to generate .gpe files for each .gbc file it detects but i'm not sure what i'm doing because I don't really know the commands.... however, i know enough to know that if I can find the right text and just replace it with slightly different text it may work....
Both versions of gnuboy require a filename parameter to run. The scripts that are out for running with gnuboy get a listing of all of the .gbc files in a directory and spit out a simple .gpe script for each one, invoking the gnuboy executable (which it expects to be renamed to "gb").

Inspired by Chris_r's script, I made a similar script for the debian gnuboy port, and it works nicely for me. It expects to be run from the same directory as the gnuboy executable (gnub) with a roms/ subdirectory. For example:

/mnt/sd/games/gbc/ contains:


/mnt/sd/games/gbc/roms/ contains all of your rom files (with .gb and .gbc extensions).

The mkromlist.gpu script is here:


#the gnuboy executable should be named "gnub" and should NOT have a .gpe
# file extension (as it would get erased by this next line)
rm *.gpe

# work on all gb/gbc files in the roms/ directory

for i in roms/*\.gb*
    # generate the name of the .gpe script for this rom
    # write out the contents of the new .gpe script
    echo ./gnub \"$i\" > "$sn"
    echo cd /usr/gp2x >> "$sn"
    echo exec ./gp2xmenu >> "$sn"

This script can be run from the main menu's Utilities folder. It creates a .gpe script for each rom which executes gnuboy on it, then returns to the main menu when you exit gnuboy. Hooray for metascripting!

Hope this is informative.
Thank you all for your help, I'm greatful everybody else seems to know what they're doing :P
well, after playing around with the scripts for awhile, i realized that microsofts shitty text editors don't work! I'm guessing this is because they don't follow the standard formats that everyone else does....

....could someone please recommend a simple and free text editor for windows that will work for these scripts? Just something like notepad, i don't need anything fancy....
