Gngeo sending me over the edge...

Prometheus -- still looking for any CPS2? You're in Europe? (Mine are all blue, NA region ones.) I'm thinking of getting rid of them .. I'm sick of opening them up and putting new batteries on them to avoid the battery of death :/ (I had one die on me, so replace the batteries every 7+ years or so :p )
I might be - depends what you might have (and if I can afford it :lol: ). ;)

Blue is the kind they used for European releases too, and I have a yellow ("rental edition") mobo, which also fits blue and green boards. It came with my yellow Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (my first CPS2 board), as a set.

The CPS2-specific emus tend to be just much better performing of course, than MAME; tooled to one chipset, rather than being generic.
Ok, now I can see how that would be handy. It would be nice not to have to clock so high for CPS2 stuff... :p
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I think its a mame issue earlier mame builds seamed to not emulate these games correctly that has been rectified recently ie the game runs at 60fps but some effects run slowly ie the 3d background in blazing star level 2 is running at half the speed it should check it running on fba and especialy kawaks that is the original speed i owned a neogeo and these games for many a year and earlier mame builds didnt emulate them properly in reference to actual slowdown that happens in original game and (kinda adds too the charm of playing said system).

man, if you really owned pulstar and blazing star, on an AES system.. respect.. that's a lot of money now :)

btw, in anticipation, what is the best way to experienc neo geo on the pandora, mame or gngeo ? especially for fighting games.


mame4all is more or less full speed just a few 3d effects need fixed mame 106 i cant get any neogeo game too run for some strange reason gngeo i havent tried but judging by this thread sounds like a nightmare .
I think its a mame issue earlier mame builds seamed to not emulate these games correctly that has been rectified recently ie the game runs at 60fps but some effects run slowly ie the 3d background in blazing star level 2 is running at half the speed it should check it running on fba and especialy kawaks that is the original speed i owned a neogeo and these games for many a year and earlier mame builds didnt emulate them properly in reference to actual slowdown that happens in original game and (kinda adds too the charm of playing said system).

man, if you really owned pulstar and blazing star, on an AES system.. respect.. that's a lot of money now :)

btw, in anticipation, what is the best way to experienc neo geo on the pandora, mame or gngeo ? especially for fighting games.


have only tried mame4all and mame 106 mame4all is optimised to run full speed at stock clock speed its an early build so certain effects arent emulated properly thats just a minor disgresion as mame4all is a brilliant build mame 106 im having trouble getting neogeo to run it crashes have right files and correct neogeo bios for said emulator as have tried in mame32 106 and all games worked flawlessly however mame 106 can emulate sh2 games like cyvern and strikers 1945 2 if you are willing to overclock it has alot of good points but alas a lot of bad points aswell ie alot of earlier games wont load and require overclocking irem v30 games seam really suseptible ie they will run without scaling but 2xscale and they crash also 68ec020 games like sexy parodius and salamander 2 run so itgives good hope if someone is willing too take a look at it in the future.

love and peace

it has alot of good points but alas a lot of bad points aswell ie alot of earlier games wont load
This is actually not an issue with the emulator, but with the files being used, so it really can't be counted as a bad point against it unless one is willing to say exactly the same about MAME4All. It runs all games that MAME 0.106 runs, but that depends upon the files being the ones for MAME 0.106.
it has alot of good points but alas a lot of bad points aswell ie alot of earlier games wont load
This is actually not an issue with the emulator, but with the files being used, so it really can't be counted as a bad point against it unless one is willing to say exactly the same about MAME4All. It runs all games that MAME 0.106 runs, but that depends upon the files being the ones for MAME 0.106.
Im definately using the right files tried an earlier mame32 106 build and all games load flawlessly so if they work there it must be an emulator issue? my comments were not meant to be taken as criticism i have a very high regard for the homebrew community just trying to get some answers and answer some replys to posts i have made it would be ignorant not to .

love and peace
