Gmu Music Player V0.1.1


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
wejp listened to all you people and released a new version of his music player for the gp2x.


New in this version:

* Random Play (Plays the titles in the playlist in random order)
* You can stop playing with X
* You can play single files from the File Browser with A, without adding it to the playlist.Aus dem
* Musicfiles can be played via command line (it adds the files to the playlist and starts playing automatically)
* There's a new config file where your can change the default path for the file browser.

Download: GMU Music Player v0.1.1
Mod and xm are silent on my gp2x.
And the screen is still flickering...

anyway it's nice... pinball scroller rules !
QuasaR posted on Oct 17 2006 at 07:53 PM said:
Did anybody got their XM files playing? Mine are only "silent"... :(

Nope, once again, XM doesn't seem supported. Just curious as to why... Is it just that a certain library's needed, or what? :huh:

[EDIT] Ah, I just found the ealier thread for the last version... whoops.
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Thanks Wejp! This is a very nice program. Is there a WIP for this so I don't politely ask for things you already have planned?

The things I would like added please are:
Load/save playlists
Remember last playlist song location when playing song in file browser mode
Select an entire folder/multiple files in file browser to add to the playlist at once
Select and move playlist items up or down in the list (cut and paste or drag and drop style)
Jump a whole screen worth of playlist or file browser entries (currently 17) down and up
Jump to a certain range or number in the playlist (1-17, 18-34, 52-68, etc.) or to song 117.
Fast forward and rewind current playing song​
The things I have suggested are aimed at making gp2x/gmu better able to access a vast collection of digital music.
Thank you again for a wonderful program and I look forward to future updates.

Wejp, keep working, your module player have a real chance to became the best one on GP2X!

I spent a hour today, walking with GP2X in my pocket and headphones on my head, listening to that cool ITs by Basehead and Hunz :)

About ModPlug's bugs. May be Schism Tracker's sources can help?
Guys fixed a lot of bugs in ModPlug engine and ported their tracker to Mac OS X, Libux, Windows. It working very well.
I found that player jumps over some patterns (skips them) through the order list. It spoils numbers of good IT modules.
Another idea on XM/IT ability... MilkyTracker was ported to the GP2X and can successfully load both XM and IT files and plays them back flawlessly... perhaps it can be of some help getting GMU to read them correctly?
Thanks for all your suggestions!
Chances are, that I will release the source someday, but I still haven't decided if or when.
M3U playlist import is already working and I will release a version with m3u support soon.
As for the xm/mod problem, I haven't solved this yet, but I will try to, though this will probably not be fixed with the next version yet.
So stay tuned, I will release new versions often.
xdreamer, Milky Tracker has a very basic IT support. The current version of GMU can play them much better.
Gmu 0.1.2 released!

New in this version:

- M3U import: Gmu can open M3U playlist files
- Gmu can remember its playlist on exit (when enabled, gmu stores its playlist in a file called playlist.m3u). It will be restored at the next start.
- MP3 bitrate display is updated while playing for VBR files.
- Improved volume control. More precision at lower volumes.

Playlist is nice! Could the click+B button be applied to lists as well? Currently each new playlist list goes to the bottom even with the click+B, individual songs load fine this way though.

Thanks for the great program,

wejp posted on Oct 20 2006 at 04:57 AM said:
Thanks for all your suggestions!
Chances are, that I will release the source someday, but I still haven't decided if or when.
M3U playlist import is already working and I will release a version with m3u support soon.
As for the xm/mod problem, I haven't solved this yet, but I will try to, though this will probably not be fixed with the next version yet.
So stay tuned, I will release new versions often.

Playing XM files would be like a dream come true for me. I tracked a bunch of those things in the mid-90's. Even if it doesn't come about, thanks for an all-around great program!
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Exiting (Click+Start) while a song is playing causes the GP2X to freeze and requires a reboot.