

Jun 12, 2006
In application there are media icons but there is one missing icon in gmenu2x which is the music icon not shown why is that missing in gmenu2x?
because god hates you? ;)

seriously... Just add it yourself... it's really just a selector script so you can make one yourself. How about reading the readme? Or downloading a music player that is actually not shitty (read: another player then the built in one).
sukhigp said:
In application there are media icons but there is one missing icon in gmenu2x which is the music icon not shown why is that missing in gmenu2x?
does it really matter? Just add it to gmenu2x. :)

Edit: To help you out at that...

Go into your SD and under the "applications" folder, where you'll likely see the other applications listed as files with their respective application under them. Copy and paste one and rename the copy to "music" or whatever you want to call it. Open the file using a text editor (I recommend textpad. You'll have to save it in the same format that it was originally in -> UNIX format, ANSI encoding is what I have) or you could just create a new file using a text editor but remove the extension afterwards.

Here are the contents of my "music" file that gmenu2x uses to find the program and launch it:
params=--disable-autorun --enable-terminate --view-music
this is of course assuming that you have an icon in the folder listed with the name listed ;)

Hope this helps
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I need some help on the wallpaper facility, the images it accepts are 320 x 240 the images i've got are bigger than this is there any way to fit big sized images to fit on the screen they go off scale.
sukhigp said:
I need some help on the wallpaper facility, the images it accepts are 320 x 240 the images i've got are bigger than this is there any way to fit big sized images to fit on the screen they go off scale.
can you not just save your image to one that is 320 x240????? (on your computer, before you add it to your SD card)
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prairiefire said:
sukhigp said:
I need some help on the wallpaper facility, the images it accepts are 320 x 240 the images i've got are bigger than this is there any way to fit big sized images to fit on the screen they go off scale.
can you not just save your image to one that is 320 x240????? (on your computer, before you add it to your SD card)

prairiefire: Try being a little more patient. This is the "I need help section." If you are not here to help then you should not read this forum.

Your initial post was about the music player. The player that comes with the GP2X out of the box is not as good as some other players. I use Gmu GP2X Music Player and I know other people like Craigamp. Google for them and they should not be too hard to find.

For images that are not sized correctly, use a program on your desktop computer to resize them correctly. GIMP or irfanview or even microsoft paint should be able to do this for you. Try that.
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Linoleum: wtf? read all the post from sukhigp and you'll see he was very lucky to receive the long-ass answer about the music player and basic gmenu2x usage...

this guy never read any readmes, never checks google on anything and keeps asking for basic windows support in the GP2X I Need help forum

so I dunno where he's been impatient, or why I am not minding my own business by posting thin =P But it's getting tiresome hehe
To resize the image:

1. Download and install Irfanview
2. Open your image with Irfanview
3. Click Image->Resize/Resample...
4. Type 320x240 as the new size
5. click Ok
6. save as new .png file
7. copy file to gp2x.
8. Throw gp2x out window when you realize that you'll never get anywhere without reading the freaking manual.
9. buy a PSP and leave us all alone.
Blah said:
9. buy a PSP and leave us all alone.
No no no no!! He will only start asking PSP questions in the Other Consoles section! :P Believe me, I can imagine hundreds, nah, millions of questions regarding firmwares, dark alex's, eboots, iso's scaling etc etc & ..... ;) "what is an eboot" how can i fit dark alex on my psp to make my iso play?" "my sd card is stuck inside my PSP" LOL - only messing with you sukhigp, seriously :)

I can see some peoples frustration at having to answer questions all the time no matter what part of the forum they are in, when the answers are clearly in the readme, the wiki or google. sukhigp seems happy to d/l roms and games from sites so to make things easier for everyone, I suggest every answer should be:

"google + gp2x + torrents" as I think he will find every answer to every question he has asked here all ready to download. Then if he needs help transferring/ unzipping etc, he can ask at the forums over there ;)

Sorry if this seems a bit mean for the I Need Help Forum, but I remember starting off on my GP2X (i came from the PSP scene which is a lot more complicated to get your apps working) I spent almost 2 days arsing around, researching etc just to get DRDM to work! When I got it working, I learned a lot about .gpe files, small letters for linux, folder locations on an SD wtc which while very basic now were completely brand new to me back then.

For the odd time I have need to ask for help here I got the answers, but I at least made it clear I had alredy done everthing I was suuposed to have done instead of being lazy and just presuming someone will write a little mini manual for S_V out of tyhe kindness of their heart.

Jesus I ramble everytime I get on here, and yes this is a great section for new people, but help has to work 2 ways. sukihgp should at the very least have a decent understanding now of how emulators and game roms etc are used for the gp2x, and for issues he is not aware of yet, it would be far more polite for him to do some research himself first before expecting someone to do it for him and report back.

@sukhigp - i was only joking about the PSP thing above. I am only suggesting that if you spend a bit more time looking for the answers 1) the readme, 2) the forums (use search function), 3) the wiki & then 4) google. If you still cannot figure something out after trying all that, then is the time to post questions with your problems and try to state as much information you can. i.e. which version of the emulator, name and type of rom if applicable and layout of the files on your sd card. To answer a lot of your questions many users actually do this research for you. Fine for a couple of time, but you know ..

There, I offered a few suggestions to help in the right section :rolleyes: and in a fairly flame free way!

Oh, i took a sleeping tablet around 10 minutes ago so pls excuse my typo's!! Went out for a huge meal after work and am now too full to sleep lol. Will correct tomorrow.

Finally, I have seen sukhigp actually answering some questions here for other people so if we could just spend a bit more time learning stuff for himself he could be a valued member here.
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excuse me all of you morons i already had a psp the dark alex and m33 firmwares are very easy to install i've played loads of emulators and applications on psp i hate sony products i sold my psp for gp2x f-200 console i also had nds lite which is not put for powerful emulators it's very easy to put movies and emulators on it i've tried all of these 3 consoles so don't you lot try to be clever ds lite,psp,gp2x are very easy to play emulators i personally prefer gp2x because of the cradle and don't tell me to buy a psp i already had one ages ago.
sukhigp said:
excuse me all of you morons i already had a psp the dark alex and m33 firmwares are very easy to install i've played loads of emulators and applications on psp i hate sony products i sold my psp for gp2x f-200 console i also had nds lite which is not put for powerful emulators it's very easy to put movies and emulators on it i've tried all of these 3 consoles so don't you lot try to be clever ds lite,psp,gp2x are very easy to play emulators i personally prefer gp2x because of the cradle and don't tell me to buy a psp i already had one ages ago.
you have received many helpful answers to your many many mainly pointless questions. Calling us all morans is a sure way to make sure that helps stops. I won't be giving you anymore advice anyway. if you showed some respect, consideration and indeed simple manners and gratitude it would be a different story. Some of your posts recently have just been bad mannered especially as some comments have been criticising others people hard work that they do for the community that you get to enjoy, or not so in your case.

Please have a look at your many posts and see hiw valid much of the criticsm you got was actually warranted. Thats why i gave you some advice on how to avoid that for the future. But hey, obviously I am only a moron :rolleyes:

sukhigp for guru :blink:
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sukhigp said:
excuse me all of you morons i already had a psp the dark alex and m33 firmwares are very easy to install i've played loads of emulators and applications on psp i hate sony products i sold my psp for gp2x f-200 console i also had nds lite which is not put for powerful emulators it's very easy to put movies and emulators on it i've tried all of these 3 consoles so don't you lot try to be clever ds lite,psp,gp2x are very easy to play emulators i personally prefer gp2x because of the cradle and don't tell me to buy a psp i already had one ages ago.
Umm, wut? Seriously use punctuation for fuck's sake.
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Don't worry i don't need anymore help i got all of my favourite emulators working which is cool i won't be making any new topics for a long time, gp2x is an easy system to install emulators and any other content no need to install new firmwares to do all this i don't really care what you lot think of me you can be horrible i'm not really bothered.

On this forum i've helped couple of people to setup neo geo emulator and picodrive afterall i'm not stupid i do have a brain, people who know about gp2x and they have knowledege on it i don't think they are clever at all,they have basic brains to setup the emulators even a 10 years old person can setup a emulator like picodrive.
linoleum13 said:
prairiefire: Try being a little more patient. This is the "I need help section." If you are not here to help then you should not read this forum.
Hi linoleum13. I'm sorry if this came across as being impatient. I guess it boiled down to frustration and I apologize. I did spend about 20 min earlier in this post to dig out my backups from my SD card that I keep on my computer, spend the time to attempt to clearly explain how to add the GP2X music player icon to GMenu2x. How's that for patience? :)

I know this is the "I need help" section and that's why I helped him out earlier. I've used this section in the past myself and appreciated the help I've received. I always try to look into the problem myself first though, because when someone goes out of their way to help me, they too can spend 10-20 min to prepare a helpful response. This is why, especially with this device, there needs to be a lot of proactive work on the user to try to solve the problem on their own first.

There are others who don't seem to spend the time. I would have initially thought that sukhigp was one of those people that just aren't technically inclined. He does go out of his way to explain how he's familiar with psp homebrew and not "an idiot" as he puts it. Given he states he has a fair understanding of this, how can he not know how to scale an image file to 320x240? That is a mystery to me. I'm left to assume that he just didn't spend the time on it and wanted a quick answer. Well he got a quick answer. Why should I spend my time helping him out when he clearly doesn't respect the time that others take to answer his hasty questions??

and then, after putting a helpful post, there's no thank you from him. just this...

sukhigp said:
excuse me all of you morons i already had a psp the dark alex and m33 firmwares are very easy to install ...
That's just great. Thank you sukhigp for your great contribution to this forum.
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prairiefire thanks for the help, it's not true you are saying about the scaling the image to 320 x240 to be honest i didn't even know you can scale them that's why i post a question about it, your the only person who gave the answers to my question thank you very much i'm sorry about that i've should have written this before.

It's true i know enough about installing emulators in ds lite ,psp because i use to have these consoles before i sold them for gp2x f-200 which in my opnion is the better than both of them.
I found psp really disappointing for commercial games when the machine was going to be released, devil may cry suppose to release and in the end it didn't came out the problem with psp it doesn't have the right games i reckon it should have atleast had these great games which is listed below:

* devil may cry
* onimusha
* resident evil
* soul calibur
* tekken (it wasn't good as tekken 3)
* ridge racer (it wasn't good as ridge racer type 4)
* virtua fighter 4 and 5
* dead or alive
* ninja gaiden and so many other missing

It has poor quality gaming it doesn't have the right games it's not worth buying at all it's no standard gaming quality of ps2, the ps2 had all these games, i can't believe it's called playstaion portable.
prairiefire said:
linoleum13 said:
prairiefire: Try being a little more patient. This is the "I need help section." If you are not here to help then you should not read this forum.
Hi linoleum13. I'm sorry if this came across as being impatient. I guess it boiled down to frustration and I apologize. I did spend about 20 min earlier in this post to dig out my backups from my SD card that I keep on my computer, spend the time to attempt to clearly explain how to add the GP2X music player icon to GMenu2x. How's that for patience? :)

I know this is the "I need help" section and that's why I helped him out earlier. I've used this section in the past myself and appreciated the help I've received. I always try to look into the problem myself first though, because when someone goes out of their way to help me, they too can spend 10-20 min to prepare a helpful response. This is why, especially with this device, there needs to be a lot of proactive work on the user to try to solve the problem on their own first.

There are others who don't seem to spend the time. I would have initially thought that sukhigp was one of those people that just aren't technically inclined. He does go out of his way to explain how he's familiar with psp homebrew and not "an idiot" as he puts it. Given he states he has a fair understanding of this, how can he not know how to scale an image file to 320x240? That is a mystery to me. I'm left to assume that he just didn't spend the time on it and wanted a quick answer. Well he got a quick answer. Why should I spend my time helping him out when he clearly doesn't respect the time that others take to answer his hasty questions??

and then, after putting a helpful post, there's no thank you from him. just this...

sukhigp said:
excuse me all of you morons i already had a psp the dark alex and m33 firmwares are very easy to install ...
That's just great. Thank you sukhigp for your great contribution to this forum.

Sorry to dig this back up but I think that Prairiefire and others deserves a response from me in this thread and I have only just seen it!

I agree with you guys now. I had not seen the other posts by this user and was too quick to assume he was not technically minded and needed real help. Im usually of the "Google for it yourself, please" camp but I went the wrong way on this one.
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