
Enslaved posted on Mar 29 2004 at 04:30 AM said:
The new gMAME is emulationg all z80 games. The z80 is a chip so what other chips exist and what games use them? If he were to port the next chipset, which would profit us with the most games?
The 6502 was a much used one as well..
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IntenseWage posted on Mar 29 2004 at 09:40 AM said:
Oh my fucking god. Another furry.
OHNOEZ there's a cat in your avatar, you must be a FURRY!!!!!!!11

other than that, there's nothing much answering in this thread. look into the cpu folder in the sources, like TheGatesOfBill said.
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No, it is from Purple Pussy which is a pretty fucking funny comic.

I guess furries aren't that horrible. The fursuit thing sure creeps me out, though. It is like cosplay, but creepier, but cosplayers can be pretty creepy, too.

Anyone know when Gmame is going to be released to the general population?
IntenseWage posted on Mar 29 2004 at 10:14 AM said:
No, it is from Purple Pussy which is a pretty fucking funny comic.

I guess furries aren't that horrible. The fursuit thing sure creeps me out, though. It is like cosplay, but creepier, but cosplayers can be pretty creepy, too.

Hmm, would you happen to be an SA forums goon?
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No, I generally don't like bothering with forums and the fact that you have to pay to use SA's forums is pretty ridiculous. I do read SA, but I knew about the furry phenomenon far before I found SA.
Same with everything, you've got good apples and you've got bad apples. Just don't let the bad apples colour your view upon fruit. ;)

Not making any sense, am I? Anyways, *cough* back to the original topic! ^_^
I know a few furry artists and RPers that are pretty cool. Never known anyone hardcore enough to go into the whole suit thing, though.