Gigas Engine Topics On Front Page


Mega Pandora mania
Jun 17, 2003
Can they not go on the front page? No offence to the people involved in the project but some people don't care if a new tileset has come out. Plus when it appears on the front page the topics are like "New release! 0.7" and you don't know what, because it doesn't say Gigas.
the guys who are intrestet in gigas news can look in the gigas forum. and the giga topics on the frontpage are anoying.
Another solution would be that the forum in what it was postet is also shown on the front page.
Ok, but if you say this, then people could have a go at everyone talking about GPCinema or encoding with vdub, or talking about firmware or anything. You can't start this just because Gigas has suddenly got a lot of attention! It deserves its spot!
I have to agree, i dont mean for Gigas-Engine to flood the main-page news, but the forums are also important to me as i take in all the suggestions etc :)

is it possible to configure the forums so it only shows the 1 latest post from the gigas engine section? that way it'll never take up more than one slot on the "newest posts"
Ok, but if you say this, then people could have a go at everyone talking about GPCinema or encoding with vdub, or talking about firmware or anything. You can't start this just because Gigas has suddenly got a lot of attention! It deserves its spot!
I'm with you on this one. Every piece of news deserves to be there. Also taras while you're moaning about this do you realise it should be in suggestions?
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Yes this is not gp32 related at all. Anyway I have no idea how to use gigas enghine (I'm dumb) but i've tried it and its good. and I cannot wait until people with chat boards can make games and put them here! There's nothing I like more than a good rpg. someone should remake the original zelda! (yes I know it can be emulated) but think. If people keep getting killed by the enemys. They open up the editor and delete them! :D
I'm with taras on this one, but also with the others who think that forums like GPCinema flood the front page as well!

At least when i read the gigas stuff i can get more and more intrigued about what people are creating, i must say i'm getting pretty excited about peoples releases, i hate having to constantly answer the same questions about vdub settings.

Could it be set up so that only the latest thread appears on the front page from all the "lesser" forums?
Or a function that shows eg:


"0.7.0 released (0) by Q-Wi-Q"


"0.7.0 released (0) by Q-Wi-Q in Gigas Engine subforum"

I think that's the best sollution, because well if you cut Gigas away, you should cut all of the other subfora away too - I mean I'm not interested in reading about BOR...

ooh! ooh! make is customisable B) (not :P)

we could also force everyone to use a tag in their threads, like [Gig] for gigas, that way you could tell on the front page, unfortunately a lot of people won't do that :P