Gigadrive Issues...


Apr 7, 2004
West midlands, UK
I have recently downloaded the new Gigadrive and am loving every second of it! Playing games from Sonic to Toejam and Earl!

My question is, how difficult IS it to create savestates like that of Opensnes? Lets face it, the saving technique in Opensnes is perfect, multiple save blocks which give an instant save of any in game moment per game. How difficult would this be to add to gigadrive? I only ask because I would MUCH rather be able to save than have sound on the games because, even without any sound, the experience is still there.

I like playing Dynamite headdy as much as the next guy, but If i have to beat the frickin' cat once more im gona scream! Plus I keep gettin so far then having to go out etc. when playing quackshot.. DAMMIT!

blabla... beta... blabla... fgen... blabla... do it yourself.... blaaaaa.... free time/donate... blaaaaaa-aaaa-aaa!

Don't fill in the gaps yourself, I'm sure there will be many people here who will do that anyways... <_<
blabla... beta... blabla... fgen... blabla... do it yourself.... blaaaaa.... free time/donate... blaaaaaa-aaaa-aaa!

Don't fill in the gaps yourself, I'm sure there will be many people here who will do that anyways... <_<
Lame flame....
but Fdave says that he is planning on addding savestate support, but you have to remember that he is coding the emulator from scratch it is not a port like opensnes so there is more work involved.
He will release a better version when he is able to add more features (I'm sure he will add savestate support and sound)...
You'll just have to be patient until then... ;)
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OK cool cheers, god knows what's problem is.. probobly dropped on his head as a child or somethin. I appreciate everything thats been done for the emulators and had just not heard anything on updates of any genesis emulators. I have no problem being patient, just curious as to wether or not this issue has been mentioned by FDave. Didn't know he made it from scratch for a start!!! and din't know opensnes was only a port.

Thanks again
I don't think dr. no was actually flaming. I assumed what he said was a dig at the typical "do it yourself" flame crew, given the "bla bla bla" and the "people here who will do that anyways".
My question is, how difficult IS it to create savestates like that of Opensnes
I always wondered it tricky to code?
nah that's quite easy: take the state of every component (chips, memory, , ...) then save it. As the state of a component is in memory, it's just about creating a structure that regroup a copy of all states with a write/read front-end. The only tricky thing is to choose the good instant to save, the end of an occurrence of the main running loop, for instance.
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nah that's quite easy: take the state of every component (chips, memory, , ...) then save it. As the state of a component is in memory, it's just about creating a structure that regroup a copy of all states with a write/read front-end. The only tricky thing is to choose the good instant to save, the end of an occurrence of the main running loop, for instance.

There's also the problem with the GP32's dodgy write support which, if coded improperly, can lead to corrupted SMCs.
i saw that dr. no said fgen
but no one told bird of prey any more
fgen has savestates already implemented in a private beta
and the save states look really nice