Getting snes9x set up?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I installed Snes9xgp; running it it shows a dir listing.. okay, so I canpick where to put my ROMS.. cool.

I made a directory SNESROMS in GPMM.

I had so I renamed it to and installed it to SNESROMs.. as soon as I open SNESROMS with snes9x the machine resets. OKay, figured maybe it hates zip files.. so I unzippedit and dropped ki.smc into SNESROMS and wiped the .zip file..

still resets the device.

Thoguht maybe it doesn't like large roms.. so I tried FZero (about 300k).. as a .smc file.

reset the device :/

As soon as I pick SNESROMS directory, the unit resets.

Any ideas?

Is snes9x stable? What about the other one? Are these playable?

Stuff the roms STRAIGHT into the gp:\\gpmm\ directory... don't use sub-dirs. Tis annoying, as it means you need to move roms about to use the two emus, but hey - we've managed to far :).
OKay, gotcha, thanks.

So SNESemu runs a good speed.. but has a really blurry display (presumably he needs to buffer the screen draws more?)

Snes9x is a lot slower, but has sound (nice!). I tried KI, SimCity and some others.. all ran pretty slow.. but with sound. I tried to disable sound in the menu, but it always reset when I hit "Exit" after mucking with sound...

So snes9x with some speedups woudl be great. Or snesemu with the screen not blurring woudl be great.. even withotu sound.

Is there any development going on anymore? Looks like most of the emus got updated 6 mohts or more back...

or that they have given up
so why does one snes emu run at decent speed with no sound + save and the other run at slow speed with sound and saves?
Different developers, one want his emu to run fast and the other wants features. Thats life :D