Getting Prepared For Delivery Day!

Well, current manufacturing methods can't probably go much beyond 64GB, 2048GB is just the hard limit (and, even though it might work, it's not even 100% sure that anything bigger than 32GB would work).
Karel Jansens said:
absolofdoom said:
This site has tons of crap about batteries:
That might answer some questions.

EDIT: "Several partial discharges with frequent recharges are better for lithium-ion than one deep one. Recharging a partially charged lithium-ion does not cause harm because there is no memory."
Looks like it wouldn't matter if you fully charge it first.-

LiIon does need to be "broken in" however, meaning that a LiIon battery will only reach its full potential after a couple of charge-discharge cycles. There's nothing special that needs to be done, but if you let a new battery sweat a bit the first couple of cycles (by letting it discharge fairly deeply -- not completely though!), it will reach peek performance quicker.

Thanks, I didn't know that. :)
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yeah, I only have 6 GB in my laptop, so my pandora will not only be faster in Hz, but have more ram and space than my wimpy laptop

I guess I should start hunting down some cheap SD cards? I'll probably stick with dual 16's to start, cos I'm kinda broke...

EDIT: idfk what the real answer is, so ill keep my hopes low and be happy to get it before december
Urrrrgh! So hard to decide! I know I should wait to buy cards, because the prices are dropping like rocks, what with the economy the way it is, but at the same time I can't help wanting to go buy one right now so I can have "a little piece of my Pandora" right in front of me.

I'm thinking I'll start with a single 16 GB class 6, and just use small cards in the other slot for specific stuff until I finally get another big one. I'll probably end up eventually with a 16 and a 32, but once again, that all depends on how cheap this stuff gets. Right now, my entire emulation folder is just under 16 GB, but I have plenty of ISOs that would never ever belong on a Pandora. Excluding the gamecube and xbox stuff, it's probably under 10 GB. I won't cut out the dreamcast stuff, because I am really hoping for a nullDC port. Not that I expect it to work... better than can be expected...
as long as i didnt take my music, 16 gb would work fine. i only play 1 or 2 ps1 games, but i would of course need to bring my entire NES, SNES, Megadrive, PC-engine, atari, intellivision, amiga, and c64 libraries. keep any playable, early DOS games on there, too. the big ones would take up space, but would probably be too advanced to play anyway. eventually ill get another 16 gb or a 32, if possible and just put my apps and other crap on there.
Karel Jansens said:
absolofdoom said:
This site has tons of crap about batteries:
That might answer some questions.

EDIT: "Several partial discharges with frequent recharges are better for lithium-ion than one deep one. Recharging a partially charged lithium-ion does not cause harm because there is no memory."
Looks like it wouldn't matter if you fully charge it first.-

LiIon does need to be "broken in" however, meaning that a LiIon battery will only reach its full potential after a couple of charge-discharge cycles. There's nothing special that needs to be done, but if you let a new battery sweat a bit the first couple of cycles (by letting it discharge fairly deeply -- not completely though!), it will reach peek performance quicker.

Hmm from what it sounds like, looks like I should be able to use my Pandora right away then! Well with charge-discharge cycles, but that's what I was planning to do anyway.

As for SDHC cards, it's so hard to resist buying when I know prices keep dropping. :blink:
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That's kind of funny.. I was searching for a reference article on 64GB SDHC cards and on the second page of Google web results was a thread on the forums.. heh. It's actually a post by Chip.
Doofy Gilmore - thats the one! QUOTE
Deputy Doofy: Mom said that when I wear this badge you're supposed to treat me like a man of the law.
Buffy Gilmore: Yeah, and Mom also said for you to stop sticking your dick in the vacuum cleaner!

Back on topic, I really think you should wait until November before buying SD cards due to the constant price drops.
Yeah, one minute ago I was on the verge of buying a new SDHC (it was in the cart and everything), but I stopped myself.

STOP SPENDING MONEY GRUSO. Go and read a book or something.
Hah! I just bought the smallest one in the preorder page (8GB) just to have something to load anything for my Pandora. I had already spend a lot of money so I thought I'd wait later and only buy the 32GB if I see it's necessary.
gmhuntr7 said:
Hmm from what it sounds like, looks like I should be able to use my Pandora right away then! Well with charge-discharge cycles, but that's what I was planning to do anyway.
Oh yes, absolutely. Don't think too much about this "breaking in" stuff; it's not as if your battery will work at half capacity the first week, we're talking low percentages here.
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When I get mine, I'm gonna shlump the 16GB card from my gp2x right in there!

Just like in homeworld 2:

"Begin Hyperspace SDHC CARD transfer"

"Standby for SDHC CARD Integration"

"The GP2X is standing down"


Just got a 16GB SD on eBay for £12.50 inc postage and a card reader. Doubt I'll regret it. :)
mdinire said:
Just got a 16GB SD on eBay for £12.50 inc postage and a card reader. Doubt I'll regret it. :)
Those eBay cards can be pretty dodgey.... just a warning. :ph34r:

Unless, of course, it was branded and packaged :)
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pandora said:
mdinire said:
Just got a 16GB SD on eBay for £12.50 inc postage and a card reader. Doubt I'll regret it. :)
Those eBay cards can be pretty dodgey.... just a warning. :ph34r:

Unless, of course, it was branded and packaged :)

I got stung once on ebay, even though it was still a branded Sony 8GB duo pro card in packaging, same print as my original 2gb card, no reason to think otherwise, transfered stuff, worked fine for a day, then started with missing files, tried to add stuff but wouldnt add more than 4gb, so obviously a dodgy 4gb card, 1-10 music files wouldnt play, then wouldnt format etc etc ended up chucking it away, the seller no longer trades on ebay after various people complained though of course no refund....

So never again buy a memory card off ebay unless its from a reputable UK company like mymemory, picstop etc.

That 16gb from for £17 is a great price atm, though i have new 2x8gb, 1x4gb, 2x2gb cards, so i have 24gb to fill first, the 32gb cards will be that price in 6 months so will probably wait until next year before i need more space.
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