George Lucas's new trilogy ideas axed by Disney

When Ep 3's been on broadcast telly I've occasionally sat down in front of it at various points, but when the CGI didn't end for two minutes I got bored and went and did something else instead.
Haha, same here. I dozed off in the theater when watching the second one and watched the third one via OnlineTVRecorder and did other stuff when it got boring.
Do you doze off in cinemas often? :P

I woke up in a theatre once but I don't remember going there... :huh:
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Missa quita lik da prequels, myself. Especial whena Yoda kick some serious backside :D
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Missa quita lik da prequels, myself. Especial whena Yoda kick some serious backside :D
Yoda wielding a light saber was the worst idea ever. He was supposed to be above this kind of things, just like the Emperor refers to them as "jedi toys".

To be fair, I mostly recall him using the force, which was pretty darn cool. Forget the lightsaber :P
Creating and Wielding a lightsaber is one of the conditions of achieving knight hood.. So Yoda would have a lightsaber.
Creating and Wielding a lightsaber is one of the conditions of achieving knight hood.. So Yoda would have a lightsaber.
I thought he was older than or at least in some way above most of those rituals.
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I was young and there was not much worth to wach at that time in (german) TV. X-Files was an incredible success here, basicly because there was not real competition and the setting was pretty new. Yes, I watched every Episode, with more and more concerns of course. The problem was, that there was no real progress or "winning" or anything. The bad conspiracy guys always won somehow (seriously!) in every episode of the main plot. Mulder+Scully were always behind somehow, they never could turn anything, they may just stoped some stuff for a while but of course this was already calculated in by the evil forces that were then again 3 steps ahead. And this was over the ENTIRE series. I had high hopes for the last episode but well, I will never watch X-Files again, not the Movies and not the maybe upcoming remake.
I was in a quite similiar situation but thankfully I had enough alternatives so I did not need to watch the rest. I remember watching the (first?) movie when its made its debut on home video, but I can't recall any emotional reaction to it.
If you think Lost was not satisfying...
Only watched about two seasons, then I got fed up as this show activly offended me.
Oldie but Goldie, the Thor myth is centurys old actualy, the Vikings already enjoyed it. Marvel just borrowed the Idea and pimped it up for their needs. :D And Tom Hiddleston just rules as Loki. ^^
Except that they just pulled some Names out of the Myth and made a standard, boring super hero character #34 out of it.

He is not older than the Jedi order. FYI there is the wookiepedia:
Who cares how old Yoda is, or wether he persued a "classical" Jedi career and constructed a lightsaber ? The point is, if you are given such an immense amount of power, you simply don't need/care to jump around like a bouncing ball on crystal meth.Regarding that, I hope (and I'll guess I'll be seriously dissapointed in that regard) that the Jedi get less screentime again. One of the things that annoyed the most as kid was, that they cut away from that ubercool spacebattle in Return of Jedi several times, just to show some boring light saber battles.
One of the things that annoyed the most as kid was, that they cut away from that ubercool spacebattle in Return of Jedi several times, just to show some boring light saber battles.
I thought the parallel was pretty cool actually in Return of the Jedi. I was more annoyed by the prequels and their jedis who were massively invincible and never died. Or when they died it was for a stupid reason (like darth maul cut in half just like that... facepalm moment).
I thought the parallel was pretty cool actually in Return of the Jedi. I was more annoyed by the prequels and their jedis who were massively invincible and never died. Or when they died it was for a stupid reason (like darth maul cut in half just like that... facepalm moment).
As a kid I did not realize what the whole finale setup really was about, I just saw a cool space battle with jedi-advertisement breaks. When I was older I realized that the whole light saber thingy was actually a visualization for the conflict between two/three characters, so not for just for show, but a storytelling mechanism. But to this day I'have no interest in the whole Jedithing whatsoever, just the setting, the characters and the ships.
Edit: I'm not saying that they should skip the whole Jedi part, just cut it back to the amount the original films had. It was just too present in the newer ones (for obvious reasons).
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Creating and Wielding a lightsaber is one of the conditions of achieving knight hood.. So Yoda would have a lightsaber.
I thought he was older than or at least in some way above most of those rituals.
He is not older than the Jedi order. FYI there is the wookiepedia:
I wasn't talking about the age of the jedi order, but whatever.

I'm not too fit on fictional history.
One of the things that annoyed the most as kid was, that they cut away from that ubercool spacebattle in Return of Jedi several times, just to show some boring light saber battles.
I thought the parallel was pretty cool actually in Return of the Jedi. I was more annoyed by the prequels and their jedis who were massively invincible and never died. Or when they died it was for a stupid reason (like darth maul cut in half just like that... facepalm moment).
In the Rutger Hauer movie Blind Fury, there's a scene, obviously borrowed for Phantom Menace, where the bad guy gets sliced in half and then plummets down the side of a mountain while his two halves separate. Been a while since I've seen the film, but it's a fun flick worth a watch. They talk about the scene in this review

I just hope JJ abrahams doesn't overflow the whole movie with lensflare... *yawn*
He will. Abrams movies notoriously always start off with a tearjerker or some kind of tragic loss to set the tone, so bring tissues. Lando or Wedge will be used as the catalyst to bring the trio, the band, back together. A death knell signaling that the Empire is back in business. 
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