Genesis Emulater

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Probably because 2 more posts appear every time we refresh the page. :P

EDIT: See? I told you so!
_counter posted on Aug 8 2003 said:
axe man im releasing it to everyone who asks after the meet-up exept those few
and i said i might come i didnt say i wouldent come.

cheers im off to have a spot o tea
pip pip rally ho
How do you know that I and the others will pose as other people to get the emulator?

Oooops plan failed :P
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Like I said - I hope you're telling the truth, but I'm really not too sure. I wouldn;t rely on it as a reason for coming. It may be a nice, and suprising, bonus, but I'm sure there's plenty more to do that day.
Fine you might as well take me off the list assman. I can see the LOAD of u dont want the emulater, why BLOODY hell your all a bunch of fuck ups i geuss im done with you all
One question you should answer is:

What directory do we put our roms in if we aren't bringing anything but the GP32?

I'm not really fussed to be honest, it sounds bogus but even if it isn't you aren't going to get kudos for being the first author to offer his Genesis emu beta as many will give if you ask nicely anyway, and they don't turn all sour on you if you ask them simple questions.
Im not getting a copy now either, nice of him to send me a message saying

i geuss you dont want it either

to which I replied

I want a megadrive emu as much as the next guy, If you think I will suck up to someone just to get an emulator you are mistaken.

then he said

even if you did i wouldent give it to you anyway

so you want people to suck up to you to get a copy?? :o

you must be having a real bad day :lol:
Listen counter, you have to understand that blurting out that you've made an emu without solid evidence isn't the done thing around here, ok so I can imagine it must be quite exciting for you to try and release a "secret" emu as it would be for anybody who had spent alot of their time on such a project and wanted people to recieve it well, but with alot of the bullshit we do get on these boards, just a little info would be nice even a screenshot wouldn't blow the whole surprise as everyone has seen a megadrive game or a gui of some description.

People aren't being sarcastic or trying to get one over on you (sorry if I sound patronising here) by asking questions such as "ok so you think you're so great....what compiler did you use then?" They're just being secure and I think if you did answer by saying "I used C++" or whatever you'd find that people would probably shift positive feedback in your direction and let you know how interested they were.

It's late and I'm talking complete shit but who cares, petty squabling gets us nowhere but backwards.
gp32animefreak posted on Aug 8 2003 said:
I had just asked him to give me a copy and i havent put it on my gp32 yet who wants one
1st post eh ;)
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