Hello, first post !
As a fan of Bioware titles on my PC I was interested to read from the following website (http://linux.prinas.si/gemrb/doku.php) regarding an open source engine that has been developed.
The wiki reads :
GemRB (Game engine made with preRendered Background) is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine which was written to support pseudo-3D role playing games based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset. It should run on GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X and possibly other UNIX derivatives. It is licensed under the GPL.
I originally bought this up when I owned my GP2x but it was considered a bit underpowered to handle this but I wanted to ask the question now the Pandora has become the star attraction.
I for one would be very interested seeing a port and i`m pretty sure i`m not alone on this one.
As my dev skills are non-existant I wanted to open this up and see if it was a possibility. I speculate that as it's licenced under GPL it free to use and also as its capable of running on a Linux based system this really shouldn't cause too many headaches.
Thanks for any input into this topic.
As a fan of Bioware titles on my PC I was interested to read from the following website (http://linux.prinas.si/gemrb/doku.php) regarding an open source engine that has been developed.
The wiki reads :
GemRB (Game engine made with preRendered Background) is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine which was written to support pseudo-3D role playing games based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset. It should run on GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X and possibly other UNIX derivatives. It is licensed under the GPL.
I originally bought this up when I owned my GP2x but it was considered a bit underpowered to handle this but I wanted to ask the question now the Pandora has become the star attraction.
I for one would be very interested seeing a port and i`m pretty sure i`m not alone on this one.
As my dev skills are non-existant I wanted to open this up and see if it was a possibility. I speculate that as it's licenced under GPL it free to use and also as its capable of running on a Linux based system this really shouldn't cause too many headaches.
Thanks for any input into this topic.