Hi Flavor,
I'm suprise myself to have this wonderful 6th place but I'm very happy
I'm currently work to improve CJ
I've tested the good wip lode runer of bfg he use in his version A & B to put bomb on right and left, so it's true this control is better than mine. In next version I'll modifi this bad choice of control to use A & B for right & left :rolleyes:
All idea or suggestion are welcome, if I've I like your suggestion and if I've the brain capacity I 'll work to implement it
I'm suprise myself to have this wonderful 6th place but I'm very happy
I'm currently work to improve CJ
I've tested the good wip lode runer of bfg he use in his version A & B to put bomb on right and left, so it's true this control is better than mine. In next version I'll modifi this bad choice of control to use A & B for right & left :rolleyes:
All idea or suggestion are welcome, if I've I like your suggestion and if I've the brain capacity I 'll work to implement it