Gbax - Selling Chatboards +180mhz Gp32!


Apr 7, 2004
West midlands, UK
I know there has been a lot of people talking down to BAX, but I still believe that they have the best service, greatest customer consideration and fastest process around. Even though Lik-Sang have brought the price down, if i were to buy a GP32 right now, it would still be from the reliable GBAX! They now seem to have a stock of Chatboards for sale


along with 180Mhz GP32s

Keep up the good work GBAX and another thanks to Jaquelin.

remember.. GBAX - best around!
and they say at lik-sang that 98% of the blus they tested oc to 166mhz out of 40 tested 1 couldnt get to 166mhz just 160mhz. Even 160 mhz is fats enough.
£164 is a fair price for a good product,

if you buy the cheap version then you

gamble of buying a cheaper product that may clock to 180Mhz
gamble that the product wont get stuck at customs until you pay tax on it

and if the unit breaks you have to send all the way back to Lik-sang
then hope customs dont stop it again on the way in.

£164 looks a damn good deal to me, the extra money is like an insurance policy, if you dont use it you think it was a waste of money but if you do use it your glad you had it.
Remeber the VAT you pay if you live in the UK. Gbax includes the VAT on the final checkout page (have a look). If you're not in the uk you will pay the listed price (£132.99 I think). If you order from liksang you will be charged VAT when it reaches the UK (customs charges).
This is an excellent news to spread even more the Chatboard :)
keep do the great work GbaX :)
birdofprey posted on Jul 16 2004 at 09:05 AM said:
remember.. GBAX - best around!
Yeah... If you want to pay much more, go for GBAx.
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please, pocket stop that! If you don´t like GBAX, then well, it´s your choise. Don´t buy anything from them. Surely Lik-sang sells their GP´s cheaper, but they don´t guaruantee you that it runs at 166Mhz. Also some people probably feel more comfortable, if the shop they bought their stuff from is not as far away as Lik-sang. And remember: Lik-sang doesn´t offer Chatbaords. Furthermore, the chatboards from GBAX are cheaper than the ones from *forgot the site name*. That site *not sure about the name* sold them for 15,99 GBP.
Horscht posted on Jul 16 2004 at 03:07 PM said:
Furthermore, the chatboards from GBAX are cheaper than the ones from *forgot the site name*. That site *not sure about the name* sold them for 15,99 GBP.
you fogot to add vat and p&p for the chat boards

Total Products Price: £ 14.99

VAT: £ 2.62 (17.5%)

Postage & Packing (24 hour special delivery) £ 4

Total Price: £ 21.61 ($ 34.14 - Euro 33.27)

seems alot of p&p for a little chat board
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I think that people are forgetting that GBAx modify the gp32_consoles so that they can definitely clock to the higher speeds, this is a fiddly resistor change, therefore they cost more than the unmodded ones from Lik-sang. Do you expect them to modify them for nothing? Perhaps £50 is a bit much for the mod, besides all electronic gizmos are cheaper in Hong Kong then Europe/America. :huh: I think it is a reasonable price and will probably replace my FLU with a 180BLU+chatboard when I finally get my Zodiac from them. (By the way my FLU is no longer a FLU as it got damaged when I moved house and the replacement glass screen came unstuck and scratched the light-sheet-thing, so I took it off and siliconed the glass in this time so it won't get the TFT) ;)
ohhh crap so your're telling me if i waited a week i would of got a 180mhz version <_<

shit another lesson against impulse buying :blink:

is there a mod to have mine go to that speed do gbax offer a service?
please, pocket stop that!

Well, I'm just telling the truth, as other people here. Hurts ? Sorry, but it IS much cheaper. It is well know today that all BLUs go at 166 MHz, see Lik-Sang tests. In fact I know nobody with a non working 166 MHz BLU.

If you don´t like GBAX, then well, it´s your choise. Don´t buy anything from them.

After the false announcements stories, you can be sure it will never be the case :)

(Btw I wasn't talking about chatboards, doesn't interest me at all.)
carlgeorge posted on Jul 16 2004 at 03:47 PM said:
I think that people are forgetting that GBAx modify the gp32_consoles so that they can definitely clock to the higher speeds, this is a fiddly resistor change, therefore they cost more than the unmodded ones from Lik-sang.
Is this a fact? Are they modding the GP32's to clock this high?

I thought that Craig tested them to see what speed they could get to, wasn't that why he put one that clocked to 180Mhz "out of the box" on ebay (link here)

can't see anywhere on GBAX saying that they're modded
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woogal posted on Jul 16 2004 at 07:06 PM said:
It is well know today that all BLUs go at 166 MHz, see Lik-Sang tests. In fact I know nobody with a non working 166 MHz BLU.
Lik-Sang's own news story quite clearly states that only 98% of the blu's they tested went to 166.
Yes, "only" 98% :)
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Craig mentioned somewhere that most if not not all BLU's reached 166mhz, just that many bottled out before the batterys ran out. GBAX are selling GP32s which run at 166 (or 180) until the battery fails.
Craig mentioned somewhere that most if not not all BLU's reached 166mhz, just that many bottled out before the batterys ran out. GBAX are selling GP32s which run at 166 (or 180) until the battery fails.