Gbax Order Question...


Still Fresh
Aug 12, 2008
i just preordered my pandora (yay!) with a tv-out cable from when it asked me to confirm the credit card info, the shipping adress and shipping zipcode were blank, although the billing address and zipcode were filled in. there wasnt any apparent place to fill in the shipping address. so i just clicked finish and the order completed just fine. so will the pandora be shipped to my billing address? or will i be emailed to confirm my shipping address or something? this happen to anyone else? im assuming itll be fine...
They've set it up like this for now for security reasons. Some people have said that they've been able to email to change the shipping address.
Forget the Rest said:
They've set it up like this for now for security reasons. Some people have said that they've been able to email to change the shipping address.
so by default, it will ship to the billing address? because thats fine with me
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