Gbax Have Put 180mhz Units For Sale

Im hanging around for abit before i buy, i mean both gbax and lik sang have offered good deals, but im going to wait to see how console fix and mashmods repond by offering 32meg and 200mhz upgrades.
Well I bought a BLU literally at the weekend and now they have dropped it £10. For £3 more than what I paid I could have 180Mhz today. They must have known they were about to do this so I'm pretty miffed that they didn't point it out to me...

Well I bought a BLU literally at the weekend and now they have dropped it £10. For £3 more than what I paid I could have 180Mhz today. They must have known they were about to do this so I'm pretty miffed that they didn't point it out to me...

Happens man, all the time with everything. No point in being too pissed, you'll get a good deal on something someday, Break even.
Yeah I suppose I should test my new BLU before I get too annoyed as it may go to 180 anyway... there a program I can get to benchmark my GP32?

Shirohagen posted on Jul 16 2004 at 12:53 PM said:
Damn! I hate this I only just moved from FLU to BLU and now I'm playing catchup again!

Yeah same here, ahhh well no worries.
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Found the Mr Mirko thing and my BLU goes to 166 and no higher so looks like I'm stuck there, I just hope that >166 doesn't become the norm for stuff.

I bet my FLU would have gone >166!

With more power and lower prices coming every week or two, I guess having to wait until October to get a GP32 is a blessing in disguise. For those wondering I'm a 17 year old, my parents would never agree to a $200+ online purchase, and I can't get a checking account until I turn 18 in october. The recent release of granatee 180 Mhz and the possibly of granatee 200+ Mhz not to far away I fell a lot better about having to wait 3 months.