Gbax 2007 Entry: Tikka Dungeons


Still Fresh
Jul 14, 2007
London, UK
Hi !

Could anybody give me some feedback about my GBAX 2007 entry:

Tikka Dungeons,a tactical RPG game

I've put a lot of work on it, and I would to know how it has been welcomed by the community
I'd be glad to give some feedback on Tikka Dungeons - Let me first say I like the look of it and I think it could grow into a great game.
Things I've noticed so far: it seems if you use too much/all your gold to buy items in the opening screens (before you enter the dungeon), you get the message "Not enough gold!" when you press start to enter the game proper, and there doesn't seem to be anything you can do to fix the situation except restart. Is there a way to sell items back, or in the opening screens just return them to the merchant? Another issue is that all the sprites, both your characters and enemies, are facing the same direction. Do you plan to add features such as fleeing from combat, more damage taken if facing the wrong way, and so on? Will there be an in-combat menu you can call up so you can give some directions to your party/use items?
Other than that it seems quite workable, at least if you are familiar with "Ogre Battle" sort of games. I need to play it some more!
Nice work and I look forward to seeing how it develops!

I'm afraid I did look at this but lost my patience after a couple of minutes of actually trying to get into the game. As above with the 'Not enough gold'. I have to admit i didnt check any readme's...which is a bit naughty of me I admit. But after jumping into games like Sqdef and Ruckman without reading any docs I have not had a reason to check it again. It is still on my sd card though.

I think the only feedback I can give is just to make the startup a little easier to get into the game. Perhaps have a default ready to go setup. Let us know if you update it. I really hate to put people down or dissuade with continued development. I guess the advantage of this scene is at least you can get good feedback :)
I made it partway through a dungeon with a group of four, and when they all died the game didn't end which I found a bit weird. Kind of fun. My biggest complaint would be that the button mapping isn't very intuitive.
I agree with all these comments, especially the ones saying that it could be a great game! It needs a bit of tweaking but this could be really special!

But yeah, at the moment it is hard to get into!

Many thanks for , and please continue with it!
Title screen looked amazing!
counter intuitive to actually start the game.

call me lazy and impatient ;) but I'm tyring to run through all 7 millions gbax2007 entries in one sitting. *gasp!*

I will definetly return to trying this game, when I have more time. The concept sounds cool.
i played it a bit last week and it's cool...kind of rpg meets meets dungeon crawl. the rendered battle screens look awesome and are a great idea.
Thanks for the update Tikka, your changes fixed the difficulty with getting past the party selection screens. By the way, I noticed one spelling error - it's "recruit" not "recrute." I do find the button layout to be a little unintuitive - I'm always trying to use the B button when the game needs the Y button, for example when selecting characters. I played through the easier dungeon - I found that the tactic I had to use was to have 3 characters fight, then for the next fight swap in 3 others with full health while the others stayed dormant, then swap the ones who'd been resting back in for the next fight, etcetera. I had used up all my money just selecting characters, so I slowly equipped them with items as the game went on. That got me through without anyone dying - I had 1 merchant just so I could buy stuff, never used him to fight, 4 fighters and 4 magic users. Do more items become available if you level your merchant up? Also, the fact that the merchant is just a big dollar sign is kind of funny - is that just a placeholder until you design a sprite for that class? I'll try the harder dungeon soon and give some feedback. So far it feels very playable, I didn't find any glitches, but I did find myself itching for more options during combat besides just watching them slide back and forth hitting each other - and the fact that my characters are always facing the wrong way is mentally disconcerting. I also backtracked to see if there were any random encounters but didn't have any - are all the encounters preset? I feel like I should play the harder dungeon before commenting further as I noticed there are some other character classes available now, so maybe there's more going on than I've seen so far. I'll write more after playing again. Thanks for the neat game!
The fighing "$" is really funny and strange!
Even for the roguelike fans I believe.

This "Tactical RPG" seems more to be "economycal RPG", so I suppose name "Tikka Dungeons Tycoon".

Cool music at splashscreen, but no music ingame :(

Is these black squares around damage indicators are should to be?