GP32 Gathering Of Resources...


Still Fresh
May 18, 2005
I checked the links-archive of out, and surfed around some to get a hold of a compiler, an emulator and various other neccessary resources. However, every other link was broken, and the links that did work didn't point me to any files.

Take for instance darkfathers site - which seems to be very central to many of the sites linked to from the archive - it's just a mess to navigate and find what you want.

Is there any site that has just gathered all the necessary stuff to set you up and get started in an orderly fashion?

I'm just a noob, but would really like to take up developing for the GP32, but the biggest obstacle right now seems to be to get a proper environment set up for development. Please - what do I need, and where do I get it? I run dual boot, both Windows and Linux, so I can do with tips for both.

Perhaps we should write a guide or tutorial to a basic set-up for ppl just starting out? Tell me how your environment is configured and how you set it up, I can try and document it in some way.
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uhm. . . it's all in this forum <_<

A.) open up a browser and enter ""

1.) get devkitpro/devkitarm
2.) install devkitpro/devkitarm following the instructions
3.) install the tools recommended on the devkitpro site
4.) download geepee
uhm. . . it's all in this forum <_<

A.) open up a browser and enter ""

1.) get devkitpro/devkitarm
2.) install devkitpro/devkitarm following the instructions
3.) install the tools recommended on the devkitpro site
4.) download geepee

Thank you.

Also, for other people trying to find out how to begin I would like to add;

He has written four tutorials on getting started with coding C for the GP32:
GP32 Tutorial 01 "Hello World!"
GP32 Tutorial 02 "Doube Buffering"
GP32 Tutorial 03 "Structure, Prototyping"
GP32 Tutorial 04 "Pointers!"

Good luck everyone!
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uhm. . . it's all in this forum <_<

A.) open up a browser and enter ""

1.) get devkitpro/devkitarm
2.) install devkitpro/devkitarm following the instructions
3.) install the tools recommended on the devkitpro site
4.) download geepee

Thank you.

Also, for other people trying to find out how to begin I would like to add;

He has written four tutorials on getting started with coding C for the GP32:
GP32 Tutorial 01 "Hello World!"
GP32 Tutorial 02 "Doube Buffering"
GP32 Tutorial 03 "Structure, Prototyping"
GP32 Tutorial 04 "Pointers!"

Good luck everyone!

How come I didn't know about that site!?! Tutorials are so rare...

I want GP32 to have Allego...sigh...
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Also, for other people trying to find out how to begin I would like to add;

He has written four tutorials on getting started with coding C for the GP32:
GP32 Tutorial 01 "Hello World!"
GP32 Tutorial 02 "Doube Buffering"
GP32 Tutorial 03 "Structure, Prototyping"
GP32 Tutorial 04 "Pointers!"

I want to point that I wrote those (weird) tutorials and that those have been posted here in the tutorials forum. I don't know if those still run under the current SDK.
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