Gaming Visor - VR helmet

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Yet another VR headset. I'm not sure if this one offers anything new or not.
On another note the playstation VR is rrp €399.00.

I tried the samsung gear VR headset and was quite impressed- for only 100 euros it looks like a good deal. I guess samsung knew it would be an impulse purchase at that price point and should end up under a lot of christmas trees.


Crowd-founding isn't my thing.
ca. 80 to 90% of projects with physical material don't make it to release.

At Kickstarter most of failed project underestemate the production costs.
(The should have seen this video: )
At Indigogo most of the failed projects are simpley frauds.
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While I generally trust Petro Tyschtschenko (I mean, he signed ED's Pandora and all) and I like openness with VR headsets a lot better than facebook on it, I think the market is getting saturated. The Oculus Rift was only this successfull because it was the first one that actually looked any good, and after other companies jumped on the bandwagon bringing cheap solutions like Google cardboard if you just want to test it and expensive proprietary ones like HTC Vive (even C.H.I.P., the 9$ PC, plans to release a VR just for the mobile variant), every niche is pretty much filled. Consoles just want to support their own standard, Microsoft and AAA game developers like Valve don't seem to like anything but the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, so which niche does this device try to fill in? The Linux gamer one? Good luck on that, probably just very few of that community even want a VR headset, and it's a relatively small niche to begin with...

And I still like monitors better as you don't look stupid using them. But I'm known not to understand the mainstream, I thought the iPad was the stupidest thing conceived...
I think having two monitors strapped to my head would look quite stupid (but that might not necessarily be the fault of the monitors:-)
I'd like to see an effort for an open hardware augmented reality solution. i loved the idea for google glasses, except for the google involvement and weird stalker/voyer aspects. an hmd that you could attach to your pyra and have a text overlay which shows irc communication, sms, emails, rss/twitter feeds. that would be cyberpunk as F***. add to that a riimote or some similar bluetooth keyboard... pure awesomeness.
I'd like to see an effort for an open hardware augmented reality solution. i loved the idea for google glasses, except for the google involvement and weird stalker/voyer aspects. an hmd that you could attach to your pyra and have a text overlay which shows irc communication, sms, emails, rss/twitter feeds. that would be cyberpunk as F***. add to that a riimote or some similar bluetooth keyboard... pure awesomeness.

Exactly. An open and spyware free AR (and VR) solution with full Linux support etc.. would be awesome.
The involvement of companies like Facebook (Oculus), Google (Glasses), Valve (Vive) and Sony (Mirpheus) makes all this completely uninteresting to me.
Unfortunately the finances of the Gamingvisor seem to be strangely calculated and I wouldn't bet on this making it to the real world although it would be nice of course.

I never trust Kickstarters when it comes to promises like "Linux support" and "Openness" anyway, too many broken promises everywhere.
I know it is an old post but I think to call Gamingvisor a VR headset is an exaggeration. GV is not even 3D in itself - that's just an option when using it with a PC (not a console) through a third-party software which runs a game to output a 3D SBS display. GC is more like a monitor with a head tracking. But, wait, it only converts head motion into joystick motion through a modded joystick: only two axes are sent to the PC/console as a joystick motion through the modded controller (no need to handle a special protocole between GV and PC/console). Right now, they launched their third KS project.
If tracking my eyeballs will do anything, its to finally automate conveying information without speaking or typing.

Given enough sophistication, we could actually feed the botnet valuable information.

This looks like fun:

Gimme that for Linux and I'd play it a lot.
Somehow it looks like it has been made by the same people who made Vertiginous Golf which has a good Linux port too btw and is quite fun.