Games that work on EasyRPG Player?

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
So I remember when EasyRPG Player was ported to the Pandora and I was all excited but could never find any games that worked on it. Is there a thread anywhere that lists games that people got working on the Pandora? I have the oldest Pandora, not the fancy 1GHz model, so one's that work on my Pandora.
you did not get it work?
Surprising for me..with the PND from PtitSeb its realy easy.
Maybe you used the older PND from the Repo from Kusaki?

Tried it again and work fine.
Maybe you need on an older Pandora a Swap File and then run it.
Please use this PND:

and i tried it yet with this Game.'s+Revenge+1.1.rar (its an official Mirror of this Game,not from me)
..just extract it anwhere and choose the RPG_RT.exe File in this Directory with the easyrpg browser

Should run on any Pandora.

Most RPG 2000/2003 Games should run.(also known as RPG Tsuguru 2000/2003 Games)
RPGMakerXP/VX and others are NOT Combatible.

some Links where you can find Games: ;)
Yeah, I haven't got it to work. Mainly though I want to know of some good games people played on the Pandora, that way I'll know they'll both work and are good games.
Do you know if it works with the key/mouse/mp3 patch?
I think i have some games laying around somewhere i made in school, but pretty sure i used a patched version.
I can not Recommend realy a Game..
..there are so many Nice Games like:

-Sternkind Saga,
-Unterwegs in Düsterburg,
-Lufia Iduras Revenge,
-Vampires Dawn,
-Mario and Luigi The Seven Stars,
-Zelda Wind Waker Remake Demoversion,
-Digital Devil Monster Saga

There are some EasyRpg Videos on my YT Account too.

It can play Wav Files and Afaik Mp3 Files too. :-)

My Favourite is Lufia Iduras Revenge because i played nearly all Nintendo Games of Lufia and this is a realy good Adaption.