Games That Dont Need Juice


Child of the 80s
Dec 30, 2003
Wellington, NZ
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ok, I'm on a bit of a budget right now in Sydney so cant get new batteries for a bit, and the batteries I have are running low. This means all my high power stuff doesnt work any more - no DrMD, OS9x, Doom at 166mhz etc....

So, I'm after games that dont need much juice to run.

My examples are: Puzzle Mix, Thats Rich Texas Holdem, that new chess game by thor and Perfect Fit.

I'm sure there other that arent clocked too high, I just need some prodding in the right direction :rolleyes:
Get some of the old doom versions - I'm fairly certain they ran pretty nicely at 40Mhz before sound was added. Possibly at a slightly lower detail level, but I remeber enjoying them a lot :).

Then... what else...? DrSMS is crazily low on CPU usage, and there's at least one Wolfenstein 3D version that had to be clocked down to 22MHz or something of that ilk on account of running too fast! GPvGB and possibly fGb used to run at low-ish clockspeeds (as I recall, 100MHz for the former, although take that with a pinch of salt since Zardoz was actually running the memory at twice it's intended clockspeed - i.e. the equivalent of what it would normally be running at at 200MHz).

I've a feeling there's a nice version of Picross that runs at 66MHz too, since I recall many a time when it would run for another half hour or two but SMS32 wouldn't.

Oh, and of course, Moviepark (at 100MHz) :).
Yeah i agree!
DRsms is the best!

I get it full speed with fs1 @ only 33mhz!! With 22000HZ sound!

This way you can play lemmings, earthworm jim, ultima4, sonic, rampage, james pond 2 etc. etc. all day!!
Yeah i agree!
DRsms is the best!

I get it full speed with fs1 @ only 33mhz!! With 22000HZ sound!

This way you can play lemmings, earthworm jim, ultima4, sonic, rampage, james pond 2 etc. etc. all day!!
You're lucky, I only get fullspeed with sound at 80+.

Btw speasking of SMS, do any of you know if Chaos Engine was published for it? The Bitmap Brothers' site says that it did, but I can't find anything on the SMS version. :(
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Woot! thats a rare title then i guess. Chaos engine.

Hey and that's weird getting full speed @ 80mhz! Try fs1 manual and 22000hz

Did you know that setting the Frameskip manual increases the emulator speed big time?

Also counts for DRMD. Even better when you put the country on eur. Then you only need 25fps for FS1!
Thanks for the tips :) Yes, Chaos Engine is a magnificent game, and it plays quite well on DrMD.

This site says its platforms were "AMIGA - CD32 - ARCHIMEDES - ST - PC - SEGA MASTER SYSTEM - SEGA MEGA DRIVE - SNES"
The newest GPDoom (v9? I think.) will run Doom 1 at 40 mhz, pretty smooth on low-res with sound on.

It gets a bit choppy with alot of enemies, but I'm really impressed.