Games I'd Love To See Ported


Mar 21, 2005
Coimbra, Portugal
Well I bet everyone on this forum has a huge list of stuff that they'd like to see on their GP32.
I have no coding experience (well I do but it's been years and I wasn't very good anyway eheh) and I don't know if there are source codes around for any of these games - anyone care to look around in whatever places they might know?

I'd LOVE to see the best 2 games ever on my GP:


Probably there's no code anyway, which is too bad..

A couple of other interesting titles would most definitely be Alone In The Dark (the first of course) and The Summoning.

I guess the GP could handle (processor-wise) all of them, as they are quite old.

Sorry for posting this without any source codes information but I just don't know anything abuot it and who knows what you guys might find or know. :rolleyes:

The admins could pin a thread asking for this kind of stuff, as most people using the GP are probably non-coders and they too, have their wishes... And there could be source codes around we just don't know about and other people might :D

This one looks great, even though they do state there's a couple of features still missing (economics and geoscape), but adds multiplayer capabilities, which could be an extra in the event if it could be adapted to the GP Link thingie. And makes use of some of the original files from the game (looks just like the real thing, which is lovely), and i'd bet it's GP32able, or at least I'd hope so :P I only wish I knew enough of programming and I would happily attempt to undertake such task :P
I just love the game.

As for the other Xenocide, it looks damn good but it's totally undoable as a port to the GP32.. Not that I know but the specs are way too high for a modest GP to handle... Too bad..

I've also found the sourcecode in sourceforge for a "dope wars" clone (also with multiplayer support) which looks pretty cool. I'm trying to talk a friend into seeing what he can do about it.. Even though he doesn't own a GP... For now... :D (there are other "clones" around though).

Well if anyone is interested in looking into it as well it could be a couple of excellent additions to our GP32 repertoire!
