

I'm gonna turn it back and run it again
Sep 28, 2004
Wisconsin, USA
I was surfing the web... I think I was at first when i clicked on a link and ended up at

I was thinking about getting a Game King just for shits and giggles when I saw that his site had a Game king comparison... I was like WTF?

Game King

I was thinking of ordering one from Craig and a gold one would be the best!!!!!!!
Plus this guy says that there are now a possibility of 37 total games for it... he says he has 17 diffrent carts...

I'm kind of excited to get one now :)
its a very cheap Chinese made game system. Its games are nothing more graphical than older cell phone games, i mean old cell phone games.
Ha ha ha that is why it is sooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bomberman clone makes bomberman look like this ====> O[ but the circle is his head and the bracket is his legs!

Awesomely amazing graphics!
can you beat it for the price? buy one for your little cousin for chrimbo... he/she'll love you for it :P
I ordered mine from Craig tonight!!!!!!!!! :lol:

I hope you got my email about shipping Craig....

Hahahaha soon I will have the gameking in 4 - 12 days!
MY GAMEKING Came today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and IT was Gold!

and I was about to put batteries into it when I noticed I needed AAA :(

Thanks Craig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hee hee its even gold! I can't wait til after track practice when I can go aqnd buy some AAA Batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Geography exam tomorrow.... Screw it I got a Gameking!

Ok all here is my game king next to my gp32! I wish my Gp32 was this awesome of a gold color... The picture is taken w/ my webcam.

Anyways here is now a list of things good, bad, and funny about the Game King:
1. yes it has a small screen
2. it has two shoulder buttons that aren't real :ph34r: stealthy!
3. it has pretty bad picture quality, Yes worse than the original Gameboy
4. it has no headphone jack
5. its mono speaker is hella loud
6. it sounds real nice!
7. has a reset button (why, I do not know)
8. alot of the games seem to be ports, Like Drifter is Adventure Island .... and soldier is like contra kinda...
9. the box boasts a cool 37 games total! Where they are I do not know
10. while playing Popper the starting music was from City Connection hahahaha
11. the box art is really quite cool! Why don't they show the actual game on it hmmm...
12. The box art for soldier appears to be one of the characters in unreal tourn 2004

13. if you can see the cart in this picture it looks almost exactly like a gameboy cart, the only difference is that the pins stick out the bottom
14. when the game is placed into the handheld it sticks out a lot!

15. The funny thing about the carts is that they have a notch in them, Like an original gameboy cart, but for the game king they serve no purpose!
16. Funny engrish on all of the boxes!

Over all it was what I expected it to be, and surprisingly I instantly got addicted to some of the games.


Happy Ball :
Pac man type guy bigs holes in the ground... its more fun than it sounds

Like adventure Island

2003 and 2004:
like 1942

Soldier :
Contra style game complete with ball roll jump! I know I can do that in real life

Like that game for Linux: steer a penguin around and above obstacles

F1-2004 Racing:
racing game like nintendo's f-1 or Pole Position

Galaga style

fly a plane down a maze and shoot things

Dino Adenture Legend:
Like Super Mario Bros. Pretty Fun

Duck Man:
Like Darkwing Duck Super Fun!

Street Hero:
Like Double Dragon

helicoptor game where you fly around and shoot things as well as save people (Hostages).

Popper & Miner:
bomber man clone

Trojan Legend:
platform game... I'm sure it is a clone of something

Well I suppose that is enough about the gameking... Over all the quality might not be good but is a lot of fun for the price. Am I glad I bought it? Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!

I'm so Happy I got a Gold one instead of a purple one.

My next project is to buy another Game King and mod that one with a headphone Jack :) its so cheap why not buy another! I'll also be on the look out for the other 21 games that seem to be in existence somewhere probably in China. Maybe when I go to Thailand this winter I can find some carts? But then again Thailand isn't China so we'll see.