Gamecube Mod ?


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Feb 14, 2004
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i just bought a gc and i think about modding it...
the question is it worth it ?
i searched a little bit and found out that a gc chip costs about as much as my gc oO

i wanted to have linux on my gc xD and play homebrew games and use it 4 some multi-media things like mp3 or movies.

your opinion:

Is there a way to softmod a gamecube ?
yes, you dont need a chip, you need either:
1. bba + pso
2. actionreplay + memorycard + friend with pso or someone who can set it up and send you the memcard
3. actionreplay + sd adapter + sdcard
4. Maxdrive pro

if you want to use linux and most other homebrew you have at the moment no way arround getting a bba.

if you want a chip get a qoob, the qoobsx is only about 40$ the pro is arround 60$

i sugest you to read brakkens tutorial
not to much :/
but i want to do a hd mod and install linux :)
its cool as a little gameserver on lans ;) (if its possible)

and i want to do it just 4 fun :)
well yes xbox...
i whant one of those.. but i have no money :P
and doing a hdd mod would be fun to do xD i dont know much about it yet xD i just read it in some forum :)
for infos about gamecube modding ect.
Yes you can hdd mod a cube, crazynation did a adapter and released shematics/source some time ago, now multiple companys are starting to produce this units, they propably come out end of the month or beginning of next. however you can build one yourself allready.