Game Streaming on The OpenPandora (Teaser)


Rare Species
Jun 17, 2015
I'm proud to Present you THE Killer APP for the Pandora.(Well at least it might kill some Windows Installations of some Pandora users, because the Software(VirtualGL) only works for X11 Applications :p )
It even is already optimized for NEON (Look for libjpeg-turbo). Here is a small Video I made(Have fun watching me talking some nonsense and forgetting to start up the Network Interface):

The Pandora is running at 600Mhz and even on the Internal WiFi i got 2-4 FPS in Blender (thanks to jpeg compression). The X Server has to run at 24-bit Color-Dept (Maybe I should start an second X server to solve this, but then Multitasking is Imposible).

Audio is not working jet, as VirtualGL only streams the Video.(I think I'll do Audio Streaming over netcat and then pipe that to mplayer on the Pandora).

Maybe I'll release the PND tomorow as I have to do other Things Today.

EDIT: Fixed the Video
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Quote said:
I know this community is very optimistic when it comes what to consider as fluid framerate, but this certainly isn't.
The video linked is broken, can't get it to play and the file size seems to be a bit tiny.

Your efforts are nice, but if this is already all you can get out of it, it's not worth it. My Pandora's wifi isn't the worst and I can usually get a somewhat similar experience to what you've described (can't judge video after all) with VNC already, depending on the application.
JPEG doesn't sound like the right way to go to be honest. Some kind of video transcoding would probably be more efficient (more complex ofc, but still). Splashtop (which does that) didn't perform too horrible on Android on the Pandora, but the touch interface made it impossible to use unfortunately. I know you just ported VirtualGL here, but it doesn't make more useable at these framerates.
Blender @2-4fps is not impressive (I have ported blender on the pandora, and it run much faster).

But that streaming you are showing is indeed very nice. Looks very good in fact.
No in the Video i stream it over Ethernet, and Since the Wifi of the Pandora is very slow the FPS is also Slow(Honestly i did not measure the FPS jesterday so i just could be very pessimistic)
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Interesting, Would be cool to try this on the OMAP 5 devboard as it's so far better than the streaming with Exagear + x86 Linux Steam on the OMAP5 Devboard... Most likely no overhead to emulate an x86 system.
Here the video of Blender over the Internal WiFi:

This (and the other video) does indeed look a lot nicer than what you described before. So a little apology from my side. I just tend to be a little careful on here since many people are pretty optimistic with their stuff (on the contrary a lot of people get amazing things done as well though).

Quote said:
better than the streaming with Exagear + x86 Linux Steam on the OMAP5 Devboard
Thinking of that, how realistic would be a hook to run the libavcodec libraries natively, if it's doable similar to getting glshim run? A random guess would be that emulated decoding could be the bottleneck.
So what do you need to stream to the Pandora?  A linux PC basically ? 

Yes, you need Linux theoretical it should also work on MacOS, but i didn't tested that and I dont know, if Packages are also available for MacOS.
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Bunch of negative nancies in this thread.


I did not know anything at all about VirtualGL before your effort and from a quick glance at their paige, I guess the answer to my question is no, but do you know wether there are plans to add audio streaming too (other than your workaround) ?
Are there certain requirements games have to fullfill in order to be streamable ?
Nevertheless great effort, with the Pyra (hopefully) providing a better WiFi connection this could be really nice to have
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Bunch of negative nancies in this thread.


I did not know anything at all about VirtualGL before your effort and from a quick glance at their paige, I guess the answer to my question is no, but do you know wether there are plans to add audio streaming too (other than your workaround) ?
Are there certain requirements games have to fullfill in order to be streamable ?
Nevertheless great effort, with the Pyra (hopefully) providing a better WiFi connection this could be really nice to have
Almost every game, that uses OpenGL and runs on X11 and Windows Games over Wine should work, but I haven't tested Wine yet. For Audio: If there is a way to Grab the Audio Stream of an Application i could pipe that to ffmpeg or avconv then stream that over the Network using netcat and finally pipe that to mplayer on the Pandora.

Also could we move the Discussion to the Software News Thread] ?
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