Game Gear

nerd of nerds posted on Apr 19 2004 at 02:27 AM said:
ooh, i also have a nomad...i got it when i was 8 or 9 and traded my game gear for it...i was soooo excited to finally have one...all those stoopid kids with their gameboy pockets...didn't know WHAT they were missing...COLOR :ph34r:
Nothing like playing Shining Force 2 on the go!

I never got a game gear, I played one at a friends house when they were "all the rage", I played a couple sonic games, they were just as fun as the genesis sonic games just a bit smaller.
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Mine also has 6 batteries... :D

I still play the original Sonic on it sometimes... it's a fun game. ;)

I also used to play it when our family would go camping; the backlit screen came in handy when it got dark. ;)
Stop looking at me everyone! :ph34r: Yes, I actually wasted batteries on that thing. They lasted 6 hours, not 3. I also wasted batteries on the Nomad during long plane flights. Geez, that was a clunky experiment. :P
Both the Nomad and GameGear are awesome systems, but to be totally honest, I have more fondness for my Atari Lynx II. I bought it after seeing one in the audience of Bad Influence. I never really had that many games for it, but California Games on the Lynx was easily the best version on any system for me. The game was simplified to perfection. Especially the BMX sub-game.

The GameGear TV tuner was also one of my favorite things ever. Though mine broke, and I've had such a hard time trying to replace it.

Has anyone ever take a MasterGear adapter apart? (the device that allowed you to play MasterSystem games in the GameGear). It literally just passes the pins straight through into the GameGear. There is no circuitry inside whatsoever. It's weird that Sega marketed the GameGear as a separate system rather than a portable MasterSystem, which is exactly what it is.

I've still got my Game Gear. I've also got the master system converter for it aswell.

Had some great fun playing Cyber Shinobi on it. :)