Game Gear And Nomad Questions


Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
Well, I have had a crazy Idea for some time now, and I was wondering, where can I go, or who knows, how big the sega nomad and sega game gear are? I need to know about each dimension, height, length, and depth of both systems
also, any other dimensions you can find, and any pictures of the insides of both would be great
also, same thing for the N64, SNES, and their mother boards

Octavious posted on Dec 3 2004 at 06:30 PM said:
Well, I have had a crazy Idea for some time now, and I was wondering, where can I go, or who knows, how big the sega nomad and sega game gear are? I need to know about each dimension, height, length, and depth of both systems
also, any other dimensions you can find, and any pictures of the insides of both would be great
also, same thing for the N64, SNES, and their mother boards


Hmm, like a portable SNES on GameGear's case? :P
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Octavious posted on Dec 3 2004 at 04:30 PM said:
Well, I have had a crazy Idea for some time now, and I was wondering, where can I go, or who knows, how big the sega nomad and sega game gear are? I need to know about each dimension, height, length, and depth of both systems
also, any other dimensions you can find, and any pictures of the insides of both would be great
also, same thing for the N64, SNES, and their mother boards

Are you basically saying that you want to know how big they are in relation to other things? To put it bluntly they're huge. Six AA's. I've got one with a case and many boxed games if you're interested. I'm getting kind of bored of it now, I prefer playing the games on my gp32. :P
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well, I was wondering if anyone knew anysites that had the info on there ( in standard or metric, dont care ) because yes, Im gonna try and make a portable SNES and then a N64 ( last one might not be posable with my current ideas ) since I cant do much for the comunity
I am giving up working on Halo, but I am still working on origional art going from concept art, real life, and GI Joe's lol , but it the large scale, its still being worked on, just slower till I get a better grasp of the Quake engine's full potential and GPQuake gets more work on it
and in half a year I start up coding classes so I still cant make emu's or apps or anything yet , so Ill try my luck at electrical and then Ill have a go with my gp32 and mods


this guy seems to think that an external montor is better
or he didn't have enough space to keep the internal one


  • snespdual.jpg
    31 KB · Views: 220
well, I would like to keep everything inside the game-gear case excpet the game
I know the SNES could proboly fit , 64 could be a challegenge
Is the Sega Nomad bigger than the Sega Game Gear in every way ( lxwxh )??

I dont know till I know the sizes
I know the SNES motherboard is pretty small, but not knowing the size forsure kinda stops me
I thik Ill get into this around feburary when I have collected all supplies I think Ill need

well, Ive done a little bit of research, tillI get the parts Its all a big maybeon sizing
But the game gear case is 9.4 inches , the SNES mother board is 7 and the controller is 6.5, and I wont use the entire controller one
The N64 might be harder tho, Ive got a few ideas If it dosnt work right
so, I just got to figure out stuff about the screen
Picked up a used dremel this weekend, now I have to get some saw blades for it, Ive got some sanding bits, then Im gonna start getting some of the electrical tools for Xmas
Once I get the new soldering iron, the magnfying galss, and about 300 1 foot high gauge wire, some other random tools, then I will go and disasemble the SNES and measure its mother board and take lots of pictures, ditto the game gear, cause there is no detailed info like that on the net
Ive got a lot of work ahead of me, but I think itll be fun

Does anyone know of any good small LCD screens that are 3-5 inches and have AV inputs on them? Anything thats good and cheap, cause that will be the most expensive part of the project, and the part that brings it all together
both lol
I have a good idea, but my first unit will be the biggest piece of working junk ever
but then Ill know where to go from there , and the SNES will be an expirament for the N64
I think I can get the stuff in, but theres gonna be a lot of roadblocks
Im trying to secure some of the things now
Ill proboly get the SNES and 64 first. Then I will make detailed diagrams of the mother boards, measurements, and then make cardboard models 100% acurate and play with them a bit
Ive also got things thought up incase overheating because the N64 runs hot If I remember right
well, well see what happens

by the way, anyone here who has a portable screen for any system , could you tell me the quality of it??? I need something that is good ( dosnt have to be perfect ) that I can use on the SNES one
Ill use a higher res one for the 64

and also, how big is the nomad and the game gear
The Game gear is 9.4 inches long , but how tall and how deep?
And the nomad... Its big, but how so?

Im thinking about using the PS one screen ( had that thought for a while )
but I wanted to Know if yall know of anyother screen thats cheap
Im willing to bet the 4 inch PSone screen would be nice on the SNES
but I will go all the way and get the NICE sony 5 inch PSone screen for the 64
It should still barely fit the system
but, I need to gather some more tools right now
while/after I ever do this I will run a website off my apache server with pics and movies maybe

still no word on some of those sizes?
o ya, Im gettin the SNES right before Xmas, and the tools are goin to be my gift to me
got a dremel from a flea market, cant remember If I said that already
