Game Editor Works On Gp2x Now!!!

I have been playing with this program (and Gamemaker) for a bit (3-4 months) and here is just a little info.

You can make a game without any code, its all drag and drop, BUT, its not quite that simple. If you follow the tutorials you should be able to make some simple games (think early 80's type arcade games). graphics? well that is up to the user, they are as good (or as bad) as the preson makeing them can do. The "code" you all see is a scripting languge its not required to use it, but unfortantly to make some types of games it will be required. And yes you would have to learn some to use it. Its not C , but if you have done some codeing in C it will not be a horrible thing to pick up. The scripting language will only make your game better if you have some good ideas to start with.

I think you would be suprised at the quality of some of the home brew games made with these gamemakers. And yes there are plenty of average to poor ones. Right now everybody seems to be makeing some sort of HALO side scroller.

Somebody asked if a RPG was possible, YES in fact they are very popouler choice and there are many WIP ones and finished ones to check out. Most are in the console vien (think FF4 style or Zelda (original)).

The biggest thing you will find when doing this is: makeing a good game actually takes some time (just ask the guys doing um to sell), graphics are not easy, and doing yet another space invaders, pac man, Mario bro's game may not be met witht he great expectations you had thought it would. I mayslef am working on a top down shooter (shades of unoriginality there) but I enjoy um and I'm learning as I do it.

With all that said, I would recomend lookinga tht totorials and trying your hand, after a few hours you should know if your willing to create or just play. I enjoy makieng stuff, creating it so I plug along ...

OMars posted on Aug 24 2006 at 12:48 PM said:
I'm sorry for getting off topic, but why isn't Alpha2 a guru? :huh: He helped me out and countless others when we were noobs. :D

HAHAHA, Guru status is reserved for people who actually create cool content, At best all i did was make some graphics for an old GP32 puzzle game once. The last thing I did was try to do a VNS game which failed because I could never get in contact with the VNS designer for some coding clarification. This on the other hand might atleast allow me to seem like more than just a content leech!

Ugh, My 2X is like a year behind the update cycle I need to catch up so I can get back into the game!
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Alpha2 posted on Aug 24 2006 at 07:23 PM said:
OMars posted on Aug 24 2006 at 12:48 PM said:
I'm sorry for getting off topic, but why isn't Alpha2 a guru? :huh: He helped me out and countless others when we were noobs. :D

HAHAHA, Guru status is reserved for people who actually create cool content, At best all i did was make some graphics for an old GP32 puzzle game once. The last thing I did was try to do a VNS game which failed because I could never get in contact with the VNS designer for some coding clarification. This on the other hand might atleast allow me to seem like more than just a content leech!

Ugh, My 2X is like a year behind the update cycle I need to catch up so I can get back into the game!
I'm not sure where I heard this, but actually it is for people who share their knowledge of consoles/games/programming with the community. They also don't flame people for being noobs. :ph34r:
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MaDsk8tard posted on Aug 23 2006 at 05:22 PM said:
hello hello (same post that gp32spain)

i'm making a game alone for pocket pc platform, and now for gp2x with this great soft (just bougth a silver package^^)

here the link of this project (no optimisation and fps bloc to 30 fps, run on 20-25 on the gp2x system), is name is carotshoot
certain people know it, i released a gp32 demo a small moment ago

so get it here, for test !

Has anyone gotten this game to run, and if so:
how long did it take to boot up?
where was it located in your directory?
what Firmware version# do you have?
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Hmmm.... I had a play with the GE (Game Editor).

To be honest, it looks very interesting. I'll try out a couple of things, but if it's good, it'll make my strategy RPG implementation a lot easier than straight SDL coding.

By the way, it uses C as scripting language.

No need to fear curly braces, by the way, they're our friends. :P
I used to get scared when I saw "x = x + 5". It's all pretty simple.

Now look at zottd's work, there's a coding nightmare. :ph34r:
ingrin posted on Aug 25 2006 at 02:33 AM said:
MaDsk8tard posted on Aug 23 2006 at 05:22 PM said:
hello hello (same post that gp32spain)

i'm making a game alone for pocket pc platform, and now for gp2x with this great soft (just bougth a silver package^^)

here the link of this project (no optimisation and fps bloc to 30 fps, run on 20-25 on the gp2x system), is name is carotshoot
certain people know it, i released a gp32 demo a small moment ago

so get it here, for test !

Has anyone gotten this game to run, and if so:
how long did it take to boot up?
where was it located in your directory?
what Firmware version# do you have?

It runs fine on my GP2X
- 2 secs to boot up
- located in /games/carotshoot_GP2X/
- Firmware 2.0.0

Hope that helps and you can get it running.


I downloaded the demo for windows yesterday and spent about an hour playing with it. First impressions are pretty good. You could definitely make some games with it, although to be honest I already know scripting (I make shockwave games). My approach would be to try to by-pass the menus as quickly as possible and do most things in code. I don't think the value of a game editor like this comes from not needing to learn scripting or coding, it comes from giving you a nice framework to work in and nice tools to work with,. I think that non-coders find it hard to appreciate how little games oriented stuff comes with a default c++ set up.

Looking at the carrot game again I have a hunch that it might be using 640x480 and being scaled which might, maybe, account for the slight glitching. I would like to see some more GP2X specific examples before deciding that the performance isn't good enough.

For those people put off from game development because of coding I would say that GUI tools like this can only help you do to things that the GUI tool developer anticipated that you would want to do. If you want to do something truely original you will need to learn to code. The advantage of something like game editor is that you only need to code the interesting original stuff, the boring stuff like map editor, sprite to sprite collision detection, sprite to background collision detection, drawing sprites, playing sounds etc etc is all done for you. And when you're done, you can output to different platforms at the push of a button.

Hope that encourages some more people to give it a try! :)
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The last part alone holds immense value.

But yes, the editor is really there to simplify the coding, and especially the graphics part. Pixel collision detection alone is very valuable.

You just won't get anything good without putting some hard work into it, and that means coding.
thos_thom posted on Aug 25 2006 at 08:55 AM said:
I can see it all in a months time:


plays videos,
runs emulators,

and now has a million versions of pong!

:lol: :lol:

To make these you need to buy the full version, though.

And I hope amongst the millions of clones we'll see an original cool arcade.
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the resolution of the carot game is 320 * 240...because i'm develloping it for qvga pocket pc !

and in this demo : graphics are in 16 bits png with alpha channel
in my pda the demo run fine (block to 30 fps with 180 mhz) and with no "glitchies"...
tmb_ayebe posted on Aug 25 2006 at 03:10 AM said:
It runs fine on my GP2X
- 2 secs to boot up
- located in /games/carotshoot_GP2X/
- Firmware 2.0.0

Hope that helps and you can get it running.

Thanks, tried changing path, it didn't work; tried a different SD card, it didn't work; patched to Firmware 2.0.0, and it Worked!

Unless someone can confirm otherwise, I think it might be a good idea to say that games created with Game Editor don't work with Firmware 1.2.1 or earlier (don't know about 1.4).
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banner88 posted on Aug 25 2006 at 12:59 AM said:
No need to fear curly braces, by the way, they're our friends. :P

Yeah don't fear Curly Brace... look how cute she is!

(I'm sorry, I couldnt resist that joke.)

Still I wonder if It's possible to modify some of the game play options offered to create something original even via the simple coding method. The right presentation could make pacman feel like Zelda!
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I'm planning to make a vice city clone... 2d ofcourse with uber playability/interaction.

I'm gonna try it out.
I was planning to make templates for characters, buildings and cars etc..
but game editor is commercial and this makes it difficult for open dev. :/
liquidphantom said:
Dzz said:
Draken said:
Whoa, awesome. :D
Too bad it's shareware.
$25 seems very reasonable to me. You get a month to figure out if you like it.

Don't know where you get that price from but on the Order page it states it is $94.95

I'm so confused... it looks great and easy to use. On the other hand I feel like a total noob spending $94.95
and probably being laughed at by Open Source devs. :(

uh... see it this way... you have to buy tools in order to play / create something.
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kin said:
liquidphantom said:
Dzz said:
Draken said:
Whoa, awesome. :D
Too bad it's shareware.
$25 seems very reasonable to me. You get a month to figure out if you like it.

Don't know where you get that price from but on the Order page it states it is $94.95

I'm so confused... it looks great and easy to use. On the other hand I feel like a total noob spending $94.95
and probably being laughed at by Open Source devs. :(

uh... see it this way... you have to buy tools in order to play / create something.

Hmmm, GLBasic is more powerful, flexible than this, still newby simple and cheaper too. Then theres lots of freeware SDL based SDK's available for the GP2X
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