Galacon Command Update + A Question...

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Nov 5, 2008
This is the new video of the port of Galacon Command for OpenPandora.
In my opinion the particle system is perfect.
But..... How it works (the game i'm saying)? :huh:
that is a very interesting slow-going game.
i find it interesting, though I would not have patience to play 10 of those games in 1 day :p
Looks great! Much better looking then GalCon on the iPhone, however as Kloplop321 posted above, it does seem to be very slow paced?

Limitation of the hardware?
Without completely understanding the rules, it looks interesting.
I am waiting for my pandora to try it out ever since your first post of it.

Thanks for the effort!

By the way, how smart are the AIs?
Remember, imagine yourself actually playing the game while you look at it. It may look slow because your just a spectator... If you are the one playing, and making the tactical decisions, it might actually be fast.

Its like watching somebody play chess. There is a major difference if you are looking at it, or you are the one playing.
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