Gadget Show


Guy with scary face.
Dec 13, 2005
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I was watching a review on "The Gadget Show" about Personal Video Players, and I realised that the Gp2x would have won hands down.

--[Rant]-- //skip below for Gp2x relevant content

They compared the iPod, the Agwiug... (or something, it was a movie player that recorded off TV), and the PSP???
I could understand testing the PSP if they were actually using it as a PVP, but they spent their time playing games. <_<
They concluded that the iPod's screen was too small (It's a handheld, 1/2" doesn't make that much difference), the A------ had crap screen Quality (Seriously, it did) and they said that the PSP was their choice to take on long flights.
If I had actually seen the PSP playing any movies :angry: I would probably be able to choose between that and the iPod.
Considering that to play a movie on the PSP at all you have to buy a seperate UMD, it hardly seems worth it so I'd probably go with the iPod.


So as far as I see the Gp2x has more than the iPod has and it has everything the PSP has at much much lower cost. According to something I read elsewhere, PSP movies make you seasick. I'd rather have temporary scanlines that are probably fixable now, and definately fixable later, than a weird nausious effect that will be fixed when Sony feels like it.

As a PVP the Gp2x is great. If you had as much money as a TV show their are probably better PVPs than the Gp2x, but none that can play games as well.

I think I just about managed to keep all my Acronyms intact!
Things like The Gadget Show don't actively go out looking for stuff to talk about. They use whatever they get sent.
Gp2x would smash the competition, but in januari that is. With the updates, fat32 formatting and stuff all happening I'm glad they left it out, before you know it someone without the 'technical expertise'(basic knowledge really, but some people..) starts fumbling around with it and doesn't get it working.

It's a bit of a double feeling, I want GPH to succeed and the GP2x to get the recognition it deserves, but I don't want to give up the high gadget factor it has now by becoming too mainstream. :) I guess I just shouldn't be too selfish.
I emailed the reviewer on that show.

Here is a copy and paste


I watched the gadget show for the first time ever this evening. I thought it was absolutely amazing. I have spent the last year or so getting my information and reviews/views from the internet, and i have to say that, this time the good old TV wins hands down on entertainment and knowledge. But only for your programme ;)

So here i am, back on the net, and would like to just pose a thank you for the show, and especially your views on the products shown.

I do have a little speculation though, as a psp owner myself - i feel that maybe there were a few niggles that weren't mentioned for the PSP being the best PVP.
Mainly that people who would think to just go and buy a psp, they do not realise how expensive the memory stick duo's can fetch up to, and not only that, the psp has an internal battery which runs out in as little as around 3-4 hours (whilst playing ridge racer as well), so unless the flight was say around the 4 hours mark, and the film you watched can fit into a 1gb card (might aswell of gone first class if i want a 2gb!) the psp comes a dead second in my book.

But i guess that this review was just to point out the BEST products (commercial ones) on offer this year. And so, yeah, i do agree with you on that part.

Ok, sorry to rant on about that, it's just my view.
I am not sure if you know about this product or not, but i would certainly like you to show it on your show. Its a portable PVP/Ebook reader/mp3 player/game player/whatever-you-like player called the GP2X.

A selection of sites to go visit are and

The console is the successor to the gp32, a korean made console whic runs emulators and videos and mp3s etc. The gp2x is much more powerful, if you search it up on the wiki site you can see the exact specifications.
I got mine from, i heartly recommend them :) The version out now is a rushed firmware version for developers and coders mostly, but the firmware can easily be updated thus rendering the console exactly however you want it to be.

so far, the unit for me is absolutely spectacular, far much more easier to use than the psp. Once the firmware bugs are fixed the batteries will last (aa batteries!) around the 8 hour mark, which is spectacular really.
Not only that, but it is much more diverse than any other pvp player out there. it uses sd cards (quite a bit cheaper than memory stick duos) i get most of mine from

Well, that's it really, i think that this is a product that you should review in your show, maybe show it as a product to be aware of or something like that. It would be really excellent for the community of the console (which basically keep the console alive). So far, not many people even know about this console... but given the right bloke to do the job to review it, it can either sink or swim.

Thanks for reading all of this, if and when you ever get one, please email me when you get time and let me know what you think.

Have a great Christmas!

Kind regards


"Thanks David,

I've forwarded it to the team


Im hoping that they actually do something about it! Well, at least i got a response! go me!
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I personally wouldn't want to expose the gp2x to too many non techie people at this time...

why u ask?

1 - really really good software and perfect emulator have yet to be released.
2 - not much near perfect emulator are out yet.
3 - some problems that firmware releases need to fix first.

I think at this stage of the gp2x's teething I think it should stay with the techie crowd first.

if it's release at this time to the general with the current problem/issues they will see the device as unstable, hard to use, and buggy. and word will spread out about it and a negative image of the gp2x will be generated amoung the general public.

I would perfer the gp2x get publicized widespread in a few more month when all the issues are sorted out and more killer apps comes out.
that way when the public see it first time they will see it as a problem free device with alot of killer software. giving it a positive image the first time
the thing is though, not even GOOD things get the attention that they deserve.

Me, I found that hardly ANYONE knows what the gp2x is. People know what the ipod is, and SOOOO many people have problems with them, and the battery is irreplacable. So technically meaning even though there are problems, people stil buy it from just clear advertising!

Also, i think that the more units gph sell, the more games avaliable for it will become and yes young padawan, make lots of money gph will. Then they will release firmwares quicker and release more peripherals for it.

So, really there are two sides to this, and both of them have bad sides..
I find it quite funny that millions buy the IPod because of some trend thing, and its heap of crap! :D Rubbish EQ, average sound quality all for the low low price of twice as much as their competitors! :D

I was amazed at the difference when I put the same mp3 on an Ipod and on my Karma, theres just no comparing the two, and the 20gig Karma cost me 100+quid less than the 20gig Ipod. Pitty I broke it though :(
Seriously, you have to be pretty pathetic to get "Seasick" when you are at land, possibly in your house, watching a film on your psp, seriously that's pathetic. I have plenty of UMD movies and they are pretty much perfect quality.
but then your only saying that because you are in denial and dont want to realise that you wasted so much money on umd movies.

the gadget show sucks, ive watched it a few times and they talk some utter crap most of the time, they have this guy on it who gets drunk on his own words, all he talks about is apple this apple that ipod this ipod that.
Paradox posted on Dec 23 2005 at 03:26 PM said:
the gadget show sucks, ive watched it a few times and they talk some utter crap most of the time, they have this guy on it who gets drunk on his own words, all he talks about is apple this apple that ipod this ipod that.
It's not that bad when they are dealing with Gadgets, but when they start talking about anything more software oriented they lose it.

I know what you mean about that guy, I don't mind him being a apple fan, but he tries to convince everyone that Mac is the best, instead of that Windows is the worst. (It used to be like that with Firefox, I couldn't have cared less if someone used Opera instead of it, just not IE) Besides to the best of my knowledge Mac OSX Tiger is based on FreeBSD.

Oh, and I really do wish they'd acknowledge Linux, even once.
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Aninhumer posted on Dec 23 2005 at 03:13 PM said:
Oh, and I really do wish they'd acknowledge Linux, even once.

Me too, but they won't. They don't really even know what they're talking about with Windows and Mac.

However, computeractive has so far, in the past three weeks, done articles on: using Firefox (and the benefits of doing so over IE), using Thunderbird (and the benefits of doing so over Outlook Express) and installing Linux on USB keys. The Open Source revolution is coming, and no big companies with their "Software Patents" will be able to stop it!
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Paradox posted on Dec 23 2005 at 10:26 AM said:
but then your only saying that because you are in denial and dont want to realise that you wasted so much money on umd movies.

the gadget show sucks, ive watched it a few times and they talk some utter crap most of the time, they have this guy on it who gets drunk on his own words, all he talks about is apple this apple that ipod this ipod that.

have to agree with you. it's like those stupid TV news reports that reviews "new trendy gadget"

was it fox 5 network news that hve that POS "do you gotta have it" review?

ohh IMHO the Ipod Nano /ipod video is the only ipod that is worth it.

the UI in the ipods is great.
FYI I sold my ipod nano 4 gb after I found out about the gp2x. ..
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Paradox posted on Dec 23 2005 at 02:26 PM said:
but then your only saying that because you are in denial and dont want to realise that you wasted so much money on umd movies.

the gadget show sucks, ive watched it a few times and they talk some utter crap most of the time, they have this guy on it who gets drunk on his own words, all he talks about is apple this apple that ipod this ipod that.
Not at all, infact i didnt pay for them they are my brothers so your wrong :P
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matt goode posted on Dec 23 2005 at 10:30 AM said:
Paradox posted on Dec 23 2005 at 02:26 PM said:
but then your only saying that because you are in denial and dont want to realise that you wasted so much money on umd movies.

the gadget show sucks, ive watched it a few times and they talk some utter crap most of the time, they have this guy on it who gets drunk on his own words, all he talks about is apple this apple that ipod this ipod that.
Not at all, infact i didnt pay for them they are my brothers so your wrong :P
So that must mean you haven't really lived with it yet?
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i dare anyone to pretend to go to game or gamestation etc and take in ur gp2x, and ask them how much they would trade it in for. See which shop knows their beans..

If you had the time, we could accumilate a survey on which shops actually know their beans!

I mean, beans are beans.. dude
GpDogg posted on Dec 23 2005 at 11:18 AM said:
i dare anyone to pretend to go to game or gamestation etc and take in ur gp2x, and ask them how much they would trade it in for. See which shop knows their beans..

If you had the time, we could accumilate a survey on which shops actually know their beans!

I mean, beans are beans.. dude

I actually showed the guy in one of those type shops, I let him play sonic and quake and showed hom a video, he thought it was cool.

I was buying descent and ridge racer to emulate on the gp2x :D
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Game wouldnt accept it i wouldnt of though, they only accept stuff that would actually sell, i mean not many people know about the gp2x, gamestation probably would though.