FYI will be down for some time.


"I Know. We're going for a ride."
Jan 6, 2009

Since most of the files I share on that webserver are linked to from here (or I thought it might be nice to announce this offline period.

So, as it is now said on the index page:

"This webserver will be offline starting during 2011/05/21 (EEST) and hopefully ending before 2011/06/30."

Start time is the last time i'll be visiting the old place, and it will be online when I get internet to the place I'm moving to. Simple as that.

And yeah, I've been a bit inactive here for the past months, I've needed the time for RL and stuff. I'll be back when I get interested again.

EDIT: And yeah, if it is already offline when you're reading this and you really need some file from the server: e-mail/PM me, I'll propably be able to send it to you during the next business day. And if I'll get more than one request for some file I'll propably mirror it in some reasonable filesharing site and add the link to this post.
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Upload your PNDs to the repo! Everything else can go to the file archive. Or maybe ED himself can host your site for a while.
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I dropped SciTE and Winbox r2 into the repo. W31S3patcher didnt make it because it doesnt have an icon (wtf, it is optional), avrtools because it doesnt have an author tag (It was optional when I created the pnd)... Meh, I'll get back to this before the server goes down.
I dropped SciTE and Winbox r2 into the repo. W31S3patcher didnt make it because it doesnt have an icon (wtf, it is optional), avrtools because it doesnt have an author tag (It was optional when I created the pnd)... Meh, I'll get back to this before the server goes down.

Ah sorry about the icon thing urjaman, it is technically optional in the spec but for the sake of some graphical niceties on the repo I made it mandatory.
urjaman, you can always have some webspace here in case you want to back up some stuff :)
Moving (both physical, and now internet) is done :)

It's on a slower link than what it used to be (used to be 10M/10M, now 8000/1600K ("8M/3M")* ...),

but OTOH now I have an ISP that doesnt ban servers in their TOS :)

* That is mostly just the effect of moving from a 2010 built house to 1964 built one.