Pandora in Pieces

someone get him a better digital camera, quick!
I think this poor webcam has a good bang/buck-ratio. And it can focus as close as I can physically get it with the target still lighted:


Before he disassembles it too :)
I have taken this camera into pieces once... :P

Yeah I know you can get better cameras, but I prefer not to waste the money when this one does the job well enough for me. And I like that I can just plug it into any linux PC (or the pandora) and snap away with ucview - no messing with batteries, memory cards, whatever else stuff is needed with a real digital camera. If I need a bit more resolution (for non-macro imaging) I can use my phone, but from that I need to bluetooth the photos out, etc.
Is it a matter of just removing the four screws holding the LCD screen cover, and then lifting the LCD screen cover out of the clips to get to this?

[The LCD would still be there]


Does the left side hinge interfere with the LCD screen cover removal?
Is it a matter of just removing the four screws holding the LCD screen cover, and then lifting the LCD screen cover out of the clips to get to this?
Yeah, but I suggest you also remove the bottom half, the PCB, the mic cover and the rightside lightpipe before doing this. I pushed my mic out of the PCB when I didnt think of what I was doing.

Does the left side hinge interfere with the LCD screen cover removal?
It's a bit tricky, you need to lift the screen cover out of all other clips with the left side hinge-bit still in, then just pull it out over to the right.
Begs the question --

Why talk of buying a new one? Get craig to send you an lcd cable and good to go :)

Why talk of buying a new one? Get craig to send you an lcd cable and good to go :)
Nubs (i can fix if he would sell them), mic (not really important and I think I could fix it given some digikey search time), case failures (is held together by 2 screws - could boy a new one) and other imperfections ...

You're close to being right though - a new LCD cable is all that is needed for it being OK to go, but not perfect to go. After new lcd cable, new case, new mic, new nubs (and painstaking soldering work) it would be perfect - but I feel that it would be easier to get an another one than to beg for him to sell some nubs and then do all the work. OTOH I'm not swimming in money atm so propably I will just get a new LCD cable for the time being.

EDIT: Maybe it would be best if I could just boy lcd cable, case and a new pcb. Would solve all my soldering worries. But they dont sell PCBs - and then it would already feel like two pandoras without really being two pandoras.
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