phoDrive V0.1
This is a modified version of GPDrive 0.5, made by Squidge. I made this because GPDrive does not initialize the SMC hardware, thus not working when being started directly from a GP32 firmware.
A new interface was developed, with a status window and what I consider a more user-friendly result.
The program now does not allow you to accidentally press SELECT and reboot the GP32 while transferring a file. Reboot by pressing SELECT is only allowed when SMC / USB operations are idle.
fwPhoda V1.0
Not another firmware, one might say! But nonetheless I have created one and might be useful for some. This firmware was created using an excellent tool ZED, made by aquafish.
Option 1 is Windups V1.0. Option 2 is phoDrive V0.1, described above.
Please keep in mind that those files are provided without any warranty whatsoever. I am not responsible if those files ruin your SMC or you GP32.
Thanks for Squidge for providing the sources of his GPDrive and for Aquafish for developing the ZED tool.
NOTE: if the download does not work for you just try again a little bit later - they are hosted on geocities, which sucks. <_<
This is a modified version of GPDrive 0.5, made by Squidge. I made this because GPDrive does not initialize the SMC hardware, thus not working when being started directly from a GP32 firmware.
A new interface was developed, with a status window and what I consider a more user-friendly result.
The program now does not allow you to accidentally press SELECT and reboot the GP32 while transferring a file. Reboot by pressing SELECT is only allowed when SMC / USB operations are idle.
fwPhoda V1.0
Not another firmware, one might say! But nonetheless I have created one and might be useful for some. This firmware was created using an excellent tool ZED, made by aquafish.
Option 1 is Windups V1.0. Option 2 is phoDrive V0.1, described above.
Please keep in mind that those files are provided without any warranty whatsoever. I am not responsible if those files ruin your SMC or you GP32.
Thanks for Squidge for providing the sources of his GPDrive and for Aquafish for developing the ZED tool.
NOTE: if the download does not work for you just try again a little bit later - they are hosted on geocities, which sucks. <_<