Fwphoda V1.0 And Phodrive V0.1


Apr 1, 2003
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phoDrive V0.1

This is a modified version of GPDrive 0.5, made by Squidge. I made this because GPDrive does not initialize the SMC hardware, thus not working when being started directly from a GP32 firmware.

A new interface was developed, with a status window and what I consider a more user-friendly result.

The program now does not allow you to accidentally press SELECT and reboot the GP32 while transferring a file. Reboot by pressing SELECT is only allowed when SMC / USB operations are idle.

fwPhoda V1.0
Not another firmware, one might say! But nonetheless I have created one and might be useful for some. This firmware was created using an excellent tool ZED, made by aquafish.
Option 1 is Windups V1.0. Option 2 is phoDrive V0.1, described above.

Please keep in mind that those files are provided without any warranty whatsoever. I am not responsible if those files ruin your SMC or you GP32. ;)

Thanks for Squidge for providing the sources of his GPDrive and for Aquafish for developing the ZED tool.

NOTE: if the download does not work for you just try again a little bit later - they are hosted on geocities, which sucks. <_<
Thanks for creating this :D I just tried to download phoDrive but it seems that Geocities is down :(

Could you give us some more details about fwPhoda V1.0, maybe some screenshots it sounds really intresting :D

Thanks :D
Dolfhin posted on May 27 2004 at 03:18 PM said:
Thanks for creating this :D I just tried to download phoDrive but it seems that Geocities is down :(
copy & paste
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Here are some screenshots

fwPhoda main screen


phoDrive with SMC inserted. The status window shows read, write etc. status when transferring files.


phoDrive without SMC inserted.


Thanks for hosting the file, RCX!
I have done this with euro firmware and gp cinema before.
Or euro with gp drive.
Good idea though with stopping people from pressing select. Could some one make a drive for win 98/ME?
would it be possible to make a version of phodadrive that does not need to be connected to the pc after the program has been started, so that you can plug your GP32 into your pc before you switch the GP32 on and try Phodadrive...
Did you do this with GPDrive 0.5? Did it work for you? Because that's exactly what I tried before and the original GPDrive did not work. See this post here for more details.
Regarding windows 98/Me - I have absolutely no idea on how to implement this. There might be a "generic" USB external device to be installed on those systems, but I am probably wrong. ;)
As you mentioned, the SELECT protection avoids accidents. Also after pressing SELECT you have to release SELECT to exit phoDrive - this is to avoid you booting up on fwphoda and going back to the main menu by accident. Of course I could have changed that to the START button instead of SELECT but hey - why make it simple when you can make it complicated? :)

Actually, if you connect the USB cable with the GP32 turned off and turn it on with phoDrive set as default it will work as you mentioned. This also worked for me turning the GP32 pressing SELECT and quickly moving to GPDrive afterwards. <_<
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actually there IS a win98 driver that supports gpdrive..
i use it on my win98with good results
sam fisher posted on May 27 2004 at 11:49 AM said:
No. My firmware (.bin) can be booted off the smc to test whether it works.
I understand now. Well, since your firmware is recorded on the SMC, the actual SMC hardware access is done prior to the use of GPDrive 0.5 because you have to read the .bin from the SMC first. That's why it's working for you.
If you actually burn your firmware I believe you will see that it will not work since GPDrive will be started straight from the GP32 memory, before an SMC access has actually been made.
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you can find it here on the forums, doing a simple search.. or in firefly's site...
win98 usb mass storage driver...

first, uninstall your current gp32 driver on win98,reboot, then start gpdrive on the gp, link it to the pc,and when a new hardware is detected, feed the installation wizard with firefly's drivers
wow, great. What we would really need now, is a Firmware like this:

Windups 1.0
the latest Pacrom
and phoDrive
just tried this. very very nice

1 thing that would be useful........when transferring would it be possible to display the file eg. "writing xxx.fxe"